(originally posted on 2017-01-17 | 10:55:10)



Good morning. 


I feel better today than I did yesterday, 

and better yesterday than the day before yesterday.


I think I hit the bottom of the bottom this time. 

There is nothing under here so I am now only coming up again, 

but slowly, as I don’t have energy yet. 


I’ve got this gift from my husband’s mother the other day. 

Two pairs of warm socks!



Every time when she visits me, 

I am always in a dark room with the curtain closed, 


which always reminds her of our father. 


“He also used to keep his room dark 

because sunlight hurt when it hit his skin.”


For me it was just too bright. 


But it must have been really difficult for him 

if he was feeling the pain because of the sun.