(originally posted on 2017-01-10 | 23:16:43)



I slept on and off, and so I didn’t have a chance to write a blog until now. 



Thank you all for watching the documentary program last night. 



I have no regret.

This is where I am now. 

And I am glad that I was able to keep a record of how I was.



I know it is a bit too early. 

But I tried to picture of ourselves in “2017”.



I was in the hospital last spring. 

So I would like to go see cherry blossoms with my family together.



Tree-planting might be a bit too much to wish びっくり



I also wish to take Kangen to the lessons. 



Reika now seems to enjoy her ballet class. 


But she also appreciates Kimono and various Japanese manners too, so her mother is hoping that she gets lessons of classical Japanese dance from Ms. Kobai and Botan san. 




I would like to welcome you all at the entrance of the theater. 







It’s getting too much! 



I may dream about these on my wish list tonight.

I have to go to bed now.  



Thank you, everyone, so much for your kind feedback.