(originally posted on 2017-01-05 | 09:04:40)



The TV program that I had an interview with yesterday 

is a special documentary about my husband, 

titled “I am Ichikawa Ebizo”, 

which will air at 10:00pm-11:30pm on the 9th of January on Nihon TV.



I watched a few shows on TV where my husband had interviews over Christmas and New Year. 


I know he always answers to any kind of questions. 


But while watching him responding to the questions about me as well, 

I had mixed feelings of guilt and appreciation.  


I wondered if there was anything that I could do to be helpful for him, 

and I thought of this documentary program.



“I am Ichikawa Ebizo” is the TV program that has been recording us even before our marriage. 

Since it also captures our family journey, I have some sort of personal attachment to it. 


My disease was kept confidential to the staff of this documentary program too.

So, they might think I became a stranger who suddenly disappeared.


Although our situation remains the same, 

I thought it would be nice if I could make a bit of contribution by talking about him from my point of view while looking back over the past year.  




It was nothing special. 


It’s been a while since my last interview 

so I had to stir myself up, of course. J


But this is something that I’ve been doing every year. 


So, my interview part will be also included in the program this year again, as usual.


I appreciate the staff for their generous understanding and support on my situation. 


Hopefully, you all enjoy this year’s documentary, “I am Ichikawa Ebizo”.