(originally posted on 2016-12-30 | 17:24:33)

I got a permission to go outside

and went to take an enzyme bath with my older sister. 



My husband met with many cancer-patients on enzyme bath, 

so he recommended me to give it a try too. 


But, because of the pain, I just didn’t have energy both physically and mentally.

I just kept putting it off.  



I am happy for myself that I was able to lift up my “heart”!




Look at this smile!

I’m just so happy myself!


Weird, isn’t it?



I was covered up with bran, which warmed me up from inside.


I said, “it eases the pain”, 

then my older sister started crying. 


That also made me cry too. 


Although it only lasted for about 15 minutes

and the pain came back shortly after, 


it was very very relaxing and healing time. 


I could feel the power of nature in the bran which was well taken care of. 



With the power of pain killer, 

With the power of nature, 

With the love from people who share these powers with me, 

With all of those, 

I will definitely get my own power back.



Another one ↓:) 
