(originally posted on 2016-12-10 | 12:35:50)



The side effect of radiation therapy is worse than I expected, 


I am terribly unwell. 


A sore throat and back pain, 


Since I wasn’t informed these were the part of the side effects of radiotherapy, 

I felt very anxious, 

which was emotionally devastating. 


I also realized myself that I was still seeking for a solution from someone 

despite the fact that I had already struggled so much.



Even taking a break can be a struggle for me.



If life would last forever, 

I would be happy to rest a bit.


But, as I see its end, I don’t need a break.

I would rather fight as hard as I could.



It is said:


“Live life as if today is your last day living.”


But, when you are sick, 


I would say, 


“Live as if you will live forever.”


At least, it works better for me. 


I might change my mind next week.  


But, I should go easy, for now.


Because if I think that way, I can breathe better now.