(originally posted on 2016-12-04 | 11:53:41)





How’s your Sunday so far?


I learned some tips from a book about breathing.


We breathe constantly for 24 hours 

on our own without using any tool.

A small attention on breathing helps to improve

bloodstreams and immune systems. 



Thinking is the same. It is a self-generated action.


I believe, by changing your thinking pattern,

you can also influence and shape your physical condition too. 


It can be extremely difficult to change the thinking pattern, 

which has been developed over 30 years,   


it doesn’t easily accept changes, 

and sometimes it confuses you too.  


In my case, 

I wanted to transform something, 

and I realized it was the way I think. 


So, now I am working on it. 


One of my doctors showed me a figure 

to explain the approaches to health.  


It is a pyramid shape.   


Clinic treatment is on the top. 

The base is the individual thinking pattern. 


That pyramid figure was very helpful to sort out my mind.


I would like to share it with you on this blog

if I can get a photo of it.