(originally posted on 2016-11-20 | 20:34:01)



I was just studying 

some new treatment approaches, 


and found something 

which I might have more expectations. 


Still, it will take a few more years 

for practical use, 


but I remembered the words that I received before:


“The medical field is constantly changing and evolving.

Surviving day by day shall lead you to a great hope.”




My dear uncle passed away the other day. 


As we were encouraging each other, 

it was a very sad news.  



Even before his last hospitalization, 

he sent me an e-mail titled 


“A life begins now!”.





“The disease doesn’t fit with you, Mao.  

So, I am sure you’ll be definitely okay.”


He prayed for me every day. 



My older sister shared with me 

lots of funny episodes about him and his wife.


It seems that

he lived his delightful life to the fullest.




“Cheerfulness” is the key to victory!


Knowing that he and his wife were never defeated by the disease, 

I felt warm just like when I was under the sun.  


Thank you, Uncle! 


Your prayers will reach me,  

tomorrow and a day after tomorrow, 

just as usual.