(originally posted on 2016-10-27 | 07:46:51)



Good morning.


I have stomachache these days. 

That’s because of the medicines which I’ve been taking every day?

or anything else that I am concerned?


I drink a cup of warm tea and a glass of carrot juice every morning. 


There’s something that caught my attention while reading your comments. 


Drinking carrot juice is one of the popular approaches for cancer patients, 

but it doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone.

Some people should avoid it. 


I find it very difficult that, out of so many choices for treatments, 

we need to decide what works specifically for our own disease and condition. 


Still, we become so desperate that we would clutch even at straws.

Or we want to believe that those who shall believe shall be saved. 


It gives us a hope and emotional support to have options that we could still try.



my hope is not necessarily the same as the one for someone else. 


What I write here on my blog is all about myself. 


Thank you for your understanding.