(originally posted on 2016-10-12 | 17:04:38)




I saw a girl, who seemed to be around 4 years old, 

sitting on a child-bed in front of the operation room. 



Don’t leave me------

I don’t wanna do this---“


Her dad and mom said:


“Don’t worry, sweetie. 

We’ll be waiting for you outside.”


They got on an elevator, 

and its door closed.


She is also going to get operation now.


Her parents probably wish to get themselves operated for her. 


I imagined myself being in her mother’s shoes…

I felt a tightening in my chest. 


No matter how much they wished so, 

they would never be able to do so. 

Neither body and heart is swappable. 


She can’t run away. 

And her family cannot let her go either. 




Regardless of age, 

even that small girl also fights with the fear and pain of surgery, 

and she will probably overcome them herself. 


Her parents must be so proud of her… 


Hopefully, she is now happily smiling.