(originally posted on 2016-10-07 | 12:46:17)



Looks it was covered in the media that 

I confirmed that I had inherited breast cancer. 



I already had a genetic screening of breast cancer and ovarian cancer syndrome. 

And the test results of both BRCA1 and BRCA2 changes were negative, 

which means my breast cancer is not hereditary. 


My mother has also gone through breast cancer, 

so she attributed all to herself and 

silently blamed herself all the time.   


And probably, 

having witnessed two family members diagnosed with breast cancer, 

my old sister might also fear a risk of cancer. 


I also feel guilty myself 

concerning the potential cancer risk for my daughter. 


You can only imagine once you get to go through this experience of waiting for the genetic screening result.


When I decided to get the genetic screening, 

after receiving all the details of it, 

I was, of course, worried and concerned. 

But, I did not expect that much of fear.


While waiting for the results, 

I felt increasing fear about finding out the truth.   


I learned genetic screening is a lot more sensitive thing than I had imagined.