(originally posted on 2016-10-01 | 11:04:57)



Thanks for the courageous decision of my doctors, 

I had surgery the other day.


I wanted to let you know today

as I’ve been gradually recovering well post operation. 


It was not radical surgery, 

but it was more for local control and QOL.


My breast and armpit condition once became very serious, 

we didn’t even have an option to consider surgery. 


Although I had this surgery, 

I still have cancers in my lung and bones, 

and they still pain. 


So it will be a real fight from here on.


I am not necessarily excited to the fullest extent at the moment,  

but I do deeply appreciate my doctors who took on this big challenge, 

and I am very very pleased about that. 


Everyone says it is a miracle to get to this point.

But I would rather save it for some other chances.


I do believe my miracle will spark off a greater victory.