(originally posted on 2016-09-24 | 15:03:20)



My mother was looking after my children at home 

when I was disclosed at the hospital. 


I can’t imagine how sad she must be 

when she received the news about my breast cancer. 


It must be hard to know the fact 

that her daughter would go through the same path as hers. 


She probably wanted to give me a hug before anyone else. 

But she said:


“Go talk to Takatoshi (my husband).  

Don’t worry about kids. 

I will take care of them.”



I’m a mother too.

But I will never be more wonderful than my mother. 


My grandmother was a strong and gracious woman.

My mother has the noble and bright heart. 


When I feel down, 

I tell myself that I inherited the same characteristics 

from these wonderful women, 

and that makes me feel embraced with bottomless power.