(originally posted on 2016-09-16 | 11:44:50)



The doctor asked me if I had a child. 


I said: 

“Yes. I have a 3-year-old daughter and a son who is only 1 year old.”  


Doctor said:

“Mothers are strong!

Many mothers, who also have small kids, 

are going through cancer treatments!

Breast cancer is a long journey 

so let us take a time to cure it.”  



Wait?!  Is it confirmed? Do I have cancer?


We haven’t even got the result of biopsy!


I kind of acted as if I didn’t get it. 


“So, what are my chances of cancer?”


Then…. the doctor goes: 



It is cancer with a probability of 95%.”



I pictured the faces of Reika and Kangen.

I tried to hold but 

tears rolled down my face.