(originally posted on 2016-09-14 | 15:33:48)




On the day of the medical examination, 


I said to my doctor:

“It’s the same lamp that you found before, isn’t it? 

I think it’s growing.  I can now feel it.”


The doctor checked it with the hands and said:

“This is the one…

It should be okay.

Let’s take a look at it with ultrasound.”

During the ultrasound screening, the doctor got a stern look on the face for a second.



 “Are you aware of the lump in your armpit?”


“What? There’s another one in an armpit?!”



I tried to touch it a bit hard, 

but I couldn’t really tell whether or not there was one.


The doctor seemed to be sure though.


I asked: 

“So that means I do have cancer, and it’s spread to my armpit, right?”


Doctor said: 

 “It’s not confirmed yet. 

Something causes swollen lymph nodes in armpits, which often look like lumps.

Let’s do biopsy test. It gives us clear results.”