(originally posted on 2016-09-13 | 14:36:50)




One day in October 2014, 

I was just hanging out with my little boy.


I slipped my hand underneath my cloth and touched my left breast without any thought. 



I’ve got a foreboding feeling.


I’ve touched something. 

Something like a pinball. 


What is it?


My heart beats faster.


I’ve tried to touch it again and again.



I still feel a lump.


I’ve heard before that benign lumps roll between the fingers 

whereas cancerous ones don’t.


Is this moving or not?


Can’t really figure it out…



I was hoping that it was mobile, 

so I put some pressure on it to make it roll.


I’ve tried it so hard.


My mind was receding. 

I could barely hear my son and the noises that he was making with his toys.