(originally posted on 2016-09-07 | 17:53:29)



The results of our medical checkups became available on that day. 


Unexpectedly, when the doctor started to talk about my result like; 


“I am more concerned about your wife’s result”


my husband promptly reacted; 


“Wait?!  Mao’s?”


whereas I felt nothing.  There was no vibration in my mind. 



Doctor continued; 


“I found a tumor in your left breast. 

You need to get more detailed examination as soon as possible.” 



After a bit of quick thought, I asked; 


“Do you mean I have cancer by any chance?”



Doctor answered; 


“It’s fifty-fifty.”



“Mao….  Doesn’t sound right…”   said my husband.







…….. Not true……. I didn’t react like that…


because I had a baseless confidence that I was in the negative 50%!