(originally posted on 2016-09-04 | 10:31:58)



“Mao-chan, Ganbare~!”   

This powerful get-well note from Mr. Shinji Takehara has reached straight to my heart.   

I really appreciate it. 


(And thanks to you all for leaving me comments about this.)




I do have regrets too.


When I look back over the past, I regret myself. 

How come I didn’t take good care of myself…

How come I didn’t try to get a second opinion…

How come I accepted it without any wonder…

How come…

How come… 



I initially did not want to take pain-relief medicines. 

But, one day, I hit my limit and finally permitted myself to take them, which then immediately allowed pain relief on my whole body.   


At the same time, I felt a sense of acceptance. 


I still feel “thaw”, gradually becoming free of pain and relaxing…


After all, I realized that I was too harsh on myself.   

I felt guilty about having a severe illness even though I did nothing wrong.   

Curiously enough, I am losing the pain that I was battling with. 

But I will never forget the feeling of release that I experienced at that time. 


Now I feel pity for myself because I put too much blame on me for no particular reason. 




I would like to take this occasion to express my sincere gratitude to those in my previous field for their great encouragements and supports. 

I’ve also received so many letters and gifts from many of you thus far.  They all were really encouraging and I am really appreciative of your thoughtfulness.



Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.