









The diet of Japan has two houses. One is the House of Representatives, the other is the House of Councilors. Members of each house are elected based on two rules: one is to choose a candidate's name, the other is to choose a party. The latter rule is called "proportional representation." With a proportional representation, numbers of seats are allotted to each party depending on how many votes it got. Each party has its own roster of candidates. Candidates win from the top of the roster to the bottom. So, not a good candidate might win if he or she is on the upper on the roster.



それをChat GPTで添削してもらいました。上の自作文の赤字部分がChat GPTに訂正されたところです。


【Chat GPTの添削】

The diet of Japan has two houses. One is the House of Representatives, the other is the House of Councillors. Members of each house are elected based on two rules: one is to choose a candidate's name, the other is to choose a party. The latter rule is called "proportional representation." Under proportional representation, the number of seats is allotted to each party depending on how many votes it receives. Each party has its own roster of candidates, and candidates are elected from the top of the roster to the bottom. Therefore, even a less qualified candidate might win if he or she is higher on the roster.


そしてさらにこれをネイティブの先生に添削してもらいました。Chat GPTの添削文の青文字部分が先生に訂正されたところです。



The Japanese parliament is bicameral. One is the House of Representatives, the other is the House of Councilors. Members of each house are elected based on two qualifications: one is to choose a candidate's name, the other one is to choose a party. The latter qualification is called "proportional representation." Under proportional representation, the number of seats is allotted to each party depending on the number of votes it receives. Each party has its own roster of candidates, and candidates are chosen from top to bottom of the roster. Therefore, even less qualified candidates might win if they are higher on the given roster.

※bicameral: 二院制


意外と訂正箇所が多いですが、きっとChat GPTさんが私の謎作文を極力活かす形で添削してくれたせいでしょう。先生曰く、「文法的におかしいというよりちょっと不自然だったり未熟に感じる」とのことでした。

ちなみに、さらにこれをChat GPTで添削してもらったところ(←しつこい)、Councilorsをイギリス英語表記のCouncillorsに訂正された以外は、訂正箇所ゼロのパーフェクトでした。(ただし、日本の国会はparliamentではなくdietなのではないかと…。レッスンの時に確認するのを忘れたのでそのままにしています)

