Kindle GameBook "Lost in an Infinite World" | 愛すべきゲームブック



「夢幻世界の迷い人」 の翻訳版で、最初は同時に出版しようかなと思っていましたが、「良いゲームブックの作り方」も並行して大幅な加筆修正(6年ぶりくらいで来月更新予定)していたのもあり、そうはいかずに今日になりました。

GAMEBOOK Lost in an Infinite World

『新作Kindleゲームブック 「夢幻世界の迷い人」』

 At 10:40 p.m., I headed upstairs to my room. After changing into my pajamas, I tucked my head under the warm blanket and stretched out my right arm to set the alarm clock. As a bicycle commuter, I usually wake up at 7:30 a.m.
 I was feeling particularly tired today. I quickly fall into a deep sleep.

 I felt the alarm clock go off even though I hadn't slept that long. Apparently, I had set it for the wrong time.
 I stretched out my right arm to stop the alarm clock. My right hand grabbed the sky. I wondered if I had rolled under the bed while I was asleep, so I rubbed my sleepy eyes and slowly raised my body.
 My eyes widen. I was in a small, empty, bleak room! Even though I was still a little sleepy, I could tell immediately that it was not my room.
 The ceiling was low, there were no windows, and there was a single door in the middle of the left-hand wall. I looked at the floor and saw a strange circular pattern like a magic circle drawn all over the floor, and I was in the center of it. I'm wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, even though I'm supposed to have slept in my pajamas, and I'm also wearing sneakers!

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