英語で話しましょう - Thank you for waiting. | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Dear Readers:


Thank you for waiting. I have finally regained the access to the Internet and can now write in Japanese as well. Since it is a long story, you would not want to hear it. But if you do here is that story.


It was around mid-September; the wireless router at my apartment broke and I suddenly lost the Internet connection. Before and after work, I visited the Internet cafe next door with my laptop so that I can post articles.


The owner of the aparment was working on having technitians install a new router, but with no apparent reason, the recovery delayed and delayed; and the access point did not seem to be up anytime soon.


However, when it rains, it pours. On September 22, my laptop gave up on me this time. I wasn't able to write in Japanese for the Internet cafe does not allow us visitors to install anything on their machines. I only could write in English or Spanish.


I called the laptop manufacturer and found out that I could only have the machine fixed after I get back to the States, since the problem was caused by the kernel failure, on which the manufacturer had worked with US CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) to issue a voluntary recall.


Realized that I cannot live without a computer even in my personal life, I went for a laptop shopping and bought a new one. I installed a Japanese input method. I now have a computer and can write in Japanese.


Then I needed to work out how to regain the Internet access. I talked with the landlord and he offered the Internet access at the lobby. However, other tenants also need access. Because Internet usages are not limited to public domain, I was very uncomfortable.


Finally I decided to move to a new apartment and now I am settled. It was quite an experience living without a computer or the Internet. I was at a loss. I did not imagine that I was this much dependent on them.


Looking at my many insect bites on my body, I still remember the discomfort of typing sitting still in an Internet cafe where no air-conditioning is offered on hot and humid summer nights and where insects are ready to bite you at any moment. This convenience of having both my computer and the in-room access to the Internet is something irreplaceable to me. I feel blessed that I can have it without giving too much thought to it.


Thank you for reading.




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