英語で話しましょう - Writing in English (9th Grade)和訳 | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Let's restart from where we left off and finish it.


Writing in English: Below are the translation of the passage in the US 9th grade English quiz from my prior article.


The following is a rough draft of a student’s report. It contains errors.


Ava Wilson (エイヴァ ウィルソン)
Health I (健康 I)
Mrs. Green (グリーン先生)
November 18, 2002 (2002年11月18日)



1 Just like a triumphant marching band entering the stadium before a game, popcorn is usually heard before it is seen. Kernels are bursting uncontrollably, clanging against the cover of the pot, and bouncing around randomly within the popper, all releasing the telltale scent of a forthcoming treat. Popcorn is one of the most popular snacks, and we can enjoy large amounts of it every year. Where did this corn plant originate, and what causes it to pop?


2 The history of popcorn undoubtedly contains unique information that most people— even avid popcorn consumers—do not know. Popcorn, which grows on ears just like any other corn plant, was first raised and harvested by Cachise Indians in Mexico over three thousand years ago. By the time Europeans arrived in North America, many different tribes of Native Americans are enjoying popcorn. In fact, at the first Thanksgiving celebration in Plymouth, Massachusetts, one high-ranking Native American brought a gift of popped corn in a deerskin bag (Rich 22). Popcorn was not just for eating; it was also used in jewelry, such as headdresses and necklaces. One difference between popcorn then and now is the popping methods. Early Native Americans would pierce the cob with a sharp stick, coat the ear with oil, and lay it next to the fire. The kernels would pop while still attached to the ear (Murphy 40).

ポップコーンの歴史は、疑いなくほとんどの人が、たとえポップコーンをむさぼる人でも、知らないような独特の情報が含まれています。ポップコーンというのは、他のとうもろこしの作物同様、穂に生(な)りますが、メキシコのカチーセ・インディアンによって最初に育てられ収穫されたのが3000年以上も前のことです。ヨーロパ人達が北米にやってきた頃には、アメリカ・インディアンの多くの部族がポップコーンを楽しんでいたということです。事実、マサチューセッツのプリマスで、初めて感謝祭が行われた時、アメリカ・インディアンの高位の人物が、鹿革の袋に入れた弾けたポップコーンを、贈り物として携(たずさ)えてきたと言われています。(リッチ 22)ポップコーンは、食べるためだけではありません。髪飾りや首飾りなど、装飾品としても用いられました。当時と今のポップコーンのたったひとつの違いは、はじけさせる方法です。初期のアメリカ・インディアンたちは、穂についたままのとうもろこしにようじで穴を開け、その穂を油にくぐらせ、焚き火のそばに置いたそうです。粒は、穂についたまま弾けたと思われます。(マーフィー 40)

3 Though the act of the kernel of corn bursting takes place in a split second, the science behind the pop is a bit more complex. To understand it, you must understand the kernel itself. The kernel is simply a hard outer shell, which protects a soft, starchy interior. The starch contains a small amount of water, and when the kernel is heated to about 200 degrees Celsius, the pressure from the steam within causes the kernel to pop. When this happens, the kernels actually increase in size by forty times, and the result is a transformed kernel, with the white, starchy center on the outside, and the hard shell on the inside. The remaining kernels that do not pop by the end of the heating cycle do not have adequate water inside to build up necessary steam pressure.


4 Popcorn is basically a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. It contains only 27 calories per 100 grams—that is, if you don’t drench it in butter and toppings (Lucas 53)!

ポップコーンは、基本的には炭水化物、食物繊維、及びタンパク質をよく含む食品です。100グラムに27カロリーしかないのですが、これはバターやトッピングでそれを埋(うず)もらせなければの話ですよ。(ルーカス 53)

Works Cited


Hall, Bernice. Science of Food. Atlanta: Smith Publishing, 2002.

Lucas, Edward. “Healthy Snacks.” Health 16 July 2001: 51–60.


Murphy, Chris. Popcorn: A Healthy Alternative. Chicago: Merrill 2000.


Rich, Carmine. “How Popcorn Evolved.” Bell Snack Journal 20 Mar. 2000: 20–23.


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