英語で話しましょう - Mexico 5 | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


As promised in my prior article yesterday, I am going to talk about when to leave tips to whom in cases where there is no check.


If you are going to stay in a hotel, ask if the hotel charges the resort or luxury fee. If it does, tips are already included in the hotel bills. In this case, tipping is not necessary unless you really want to give the staff something extra.


When you arrive at your hotel, door attendants/bellhop or porter service personnel will greet you. For the door attendant, tip $1 or $2 for helping unload your bags or hailing a taxi. Bellhops generally should receive $1 to $2 in the US (10~20 pesos in Mexico) per bag, after they bring your luggage to your room after you check in to your room.


It is considerate to give tips in bills otherwise their pockets will be full of coins jingling around as they work.


The same applies to the bus driver that I mentioned in my article as well.


I usually add a 20% of the rate for taxi drivers unless it is a long ride. Recently many taxis in the US are equipped with credit card payment gadgets where the passengers operate by themselves. The tip amounts will appear on the screen. It is a list so you can choose how much tips you want to add to your credit card charges.


For housekeeping crews at a hotel, I leave three dollars per night on the night stand. If you request extra toiletries, another dollar or two.

ホテルのハウスキーピング(部屋を整えてくれる)スタッフには、1 泊 3ドルくらいはナイトスタンド(ベッド脇のテーブル)に置いておきます。トイレ備品など余計にもらった場合は、もう1~2ドル足します。

Concierge services also require tips. Depending of the difficulty of the requests, the amount varies from five to 50 dollars. Making dinner reservations or securing performance tickets, 5 dollars to 10 dollars. For just information, a dollar or two.


I tip the reception attendants 5 dollars if I requested an early check-in or late check-out.


I normally wait until the valet brings my car to tip between 1 to 5 dollars.


So it will be easier to have bills in small denomination for tips.


Do you know what TIPS stands for? It is "to insure prompt service."

TIPS が何の略だか御存知ですか?「迅速(じんそく)なるサービスを確保する為」です。

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