英語で話しましょう - 易(やさ)しいところから | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


We studied English for an awfully long time, however, it seems that we never nail it when it comes to speaking it be as it may pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, or fluency. Even a native English speaking American, like Rex, who is sitting next to me right now, says that we learn new things on speaking all the time and what is important is to open our minds to learn them.


As I have discussed it in my earlier article, On Speaking English, that speaking is like riding a skateboard, we must practice it every day with concentration to be better every day. The bright side of this practice is that we will improve our speaking abilities every day if we do it.


Therefore, I will give you a short exercise today. Please listen to the first 55 seconds of the following video. I will show you how the shadow reading works.


Clickクリック->English Conversation 1 01

Once you heard this set of easy conversation, replay it from the beginning and read the text along the recorded conversation. This is called a shadow reading.


At a certain point after repeating this process, record your voice while you are shadow reading on a whatever recording device you may have such as your cell phone.


Listen to your own voice that you have recorded. Does it sound similar to what you hear on this Youtube video? If not, repeat it again and record it and listen to it. In about 5 times, you will sound much better.

自分の声を、聞いてみてください。Youtube のビデオと同じように聞こえますか?聞こえない場合は、繰り返し、また聞いてください。5回もすれば、うまくなっているでしょう。

Improving ourspeaking abilities, it requires some repetitive training of the same sentences and some memorization.




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