英語で話しましょう - On Speaking English | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


No matter how many English books you read, no matter how many pages you write in English, no matter how many hours you listen to recorded spoken English, you will not become fluent in English, because speaking English is like playing the piano, or the violin, the drums, the guitar, the trumpet, the French horn, the bassoon, the timpani, etc. for that matter, and it is like sprinting, swimming, skiing, ice skating, bawling, playing baseball or basketball, etc.


Unless we actually open our mouth, vibrate our vocal cords, move tongue, use teeth, hands and body, and pronounce words to make sentences and into paragraphs, we will not gain ability to speak it like water running over a standing door.


(注)like water running over a standing door これは私が「立板に水」を英語で言っただけです。英語にはありえない表現なので、使っても意味は分かってもらえるでしょうが、英語にある表現では有りませんので注意してください。

The world-famous violin player and composer, Pablo de Sarasate, who composed "Zigeunerweisen," once said "I practice playing the violin 14 hours a day, and people call me a genius." There will not be a genius unless we actually practice. Our time must be spent and attention must be paid on practicing. We will not become fluent in English or any other languages, with our mouth shut.


That is why the way the young, good-looking world-famous pro-golfer who appears on the TV advertising the product that supposed to improve on English listening skills speaks the way he does. Although he must have improved in his own listening skills.(The ad. is poor in that way.)




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