英語で話しましょう - 発音に困ったら | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


You will encounter words from time to time that you cannot pronounce exactly as the dictionary-given pronunciation. Then what can you do? You need to break each word into consonants and vowels. Most likely the issue is on vowels. There is a tool that I found on the net.



In this site, all phonetic sounds in American English are presented. Look at the phonetic alphabets in the dictionary and find each symbol in this site.


Those colored buttons on the top are the categories and when you click on one of these buttons you will see subcategories. By clicking on each of these subcategories' buttons, you will find the phonetic alphabets you are looking for in the left pane. Click on the phonetic alphabet you are looking for. You can hear each sound and see a video that someone is pronouncing the sound.


One good thing about studying phonetics this way, you will get used to the sound of native speakers and your listening ability will increase. For both speaking and listening skills, I strongly recommend to study it well.


As you may have already noticed, native English speakers' voice quality is different from those of Japanese natives. There are many difficult explanations, but try to pronounce words a bit louder with less breath.


Please don't hesitate to ask questions by comments for I will try my best to help you.


Now I want to move on to the topic of sentence intonation.


Suppose you see a sentence you want to say. Let's take an example of “This is a pen.” Depending on which word has more significance within the sentence, the word that is pronounced with stress changes.


When you are asked, “What is this?” then you need to place the stress on the word “pen”.


When you are asked, “Which is a pen?” then you need to place the stress on the word “this”.


When you ask someone “May I have a few pens?” and that someone gives you only one pen, then you need to stress on “a”.


When someone says to you, “That is not a pen.” and if you want to say this is truly a pen, then you need to stress on “is”.


The stressed words are the most important words in a sentence and pronounced stronger and longer and maybe you can raise the sound pitch a bit. The rest of the words has to be pronounced shorter and lower.


I will discuss about sound pitch next time.



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