海外の理科テキストに学ぶ18 | STEAM英語




Life and Living Grade 5

Food chains


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食物連鎖 food chain も食物網 food web も1つではなく複数あります。



There is a feeding relationship between producers and consumers. 

We call this relationship a food chain.

  • Plants are the producers.
  • Animals are the consumers.

A food chain describes how each living thing gets food and how energy is passed from one organism to the next.

  • When we draw a food chain we use an arrow ( → )between organisms to show that one eats the other and that energy is transferred from the one organism to the next.
  • A simple food chain is: grass → cow → human → worms.
  • Many food chains that are interdependent and linked are called a food web.
A simple food chain. Can you name the herbivores, omnivores, carnivores and decomposers?

herbivores 草食動物

omnivores 雑食動物

carnivores 肉食動物

decomposers 分解者



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