海外の理科テキストに学ぶ14 | STEAM英語




Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 4-A

Matter and Materials

Chapter 3. Strengthening materials p.182


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材料 materialと その形状 shape の関係を調べます。

strengthen = 強固にする、強化する、補強する


3.1 Ways to strengthen materials 

There are different ways to strengthen materials to make a stronger structure. We can do this by changing the shape of the material. You may think that the shape may not make that much of a diference, but let's have a look. 

Which shape is stronger? 


Explore different ways to strengthen paper 


• Up to 5 sheets of A4 paper for each group

 • Pieces of sticky tape

 • A number of identical or similar size books for each group 


1. In groups of 4, investigate different ways of using your paper sheets to balance a book.
2. Look at the pictures below for some ideas 
3. Use a piece of sticky tape if you need it 
4. How many different ways can you find of balancing a book more than 10 cm above the desk or floor, using only 1 sheet of A4 paper? You can try this on your own or in a small group. 
5. Once you think that you have found all the ways you can do it, choose a member of your group to report back to the rest of the class on the ways that you have found. 
6. With your teacher's help, show each different method side-by-side on a table or on the floor at the front of the class.

What did we learn from doing this activity? Materials can be made stronger by changing their shape. An example is rolling the paper into pillars. Pillars can be circular, triangular or square. Which one do you think is the strongest?