The 39th Machida Bilingual TMC regular meeting

June 25th,2011 (Saturday) 14:30~

Venue: Machida Chuo Kominkan
Attendees: Members 17, Guests 3 including other club member
TMOD: TM TO (English session) & TM KN (Japanese session)
Word of the day: TM TK (English session) well+p.p
TM NY (Japanese session) 素晴らしい
Ah-counter: TM KI
Timer : TM ZT
Grammarian : TM YH
Vote counter : TM YI

Table Topics : TM MH
1. If you think about your marriage, would you like to get marry in June? TM RY 1’18”

2. Which do you prefer a cooler rainy season or a hotter summer season? TM KF 1’31”

3. When you look back on this half year, what was the most important event for you? TM ZT 1’29”

Prepared speech (準備スピーチ)
1. “My hobby and occupation”(CC #1 Icebreaker) TM KK 5’25”

Singing a song using abdominal breathing is very useful and effective to keep good health for elderly people. She is a nurse and she has learned jazz for 5 years.

2. 「120歳まで生きていける秘訣」(CC #2 スピーチの構成) TM SH 7’05”

3. 「Evaluate to Motivate (日本語)」(The Successful Club Series) TM KI 15’36”

個人論評 (Evaluation)
1. TM KF 3’29”
He praised the speaker’s great effort into her speech. It was well organized and she didn’t use a note. He mentioned three good points and one suggestion.

2. TM KI 2’57”

3. TM SS 2’27”

総合論評 TM RY

Minutes writer : TM KT

The 38th Machida Bilingual TMC regular meeting
Date: June 10,2011(Fri.)19:00~
Venue: Machida Chuo Kominkan
Attendees: Members10, Guests 4 including other club member
Word of the Day: TM YI "Positive,Positively,Positiveness"「積極的(な)、積極性」
Ah-counter: TM YI and Guest Mr.S kindly helped the role.
Timer: TM Kei I
Grammarian: TM TK
Vote counter: TM TO
Joke master: TM TO told us funny experiences among he, his wife and flight attendants.

Table topics: TM NY
1: What do you think about "Thinking out of the box"? TM HS 1'23''
2: What do you think of surrogate mother? Guest Mr.S 1'35''
3: What do you think of being house husband(主夫)?Guest Mr.U 2'13" Best


(Speaking to inform #5 The abstract Concept)Guest TM KA 8'34" (Best)


(Facilitating Discussion #1 The Panel Moderator) TM MH 25'48"

個人論評1:TM ZT 2'59" (Best)

個人論評2:TM YI 1'30"

総合論評:TM YH

Minutes writer: TM TK

町田バイリンガルトーストマスターズへようこそ!-Now Chartered!

Dear all, みなさま

It has been raining all day long but, as shown in the picture, it was
very nice to share with you today another historic moment for the
club--Charter Ceremony!!!


Without active support club members and supporters from other clubs, I
don't think the club managed to reach this milestone. I thank you all.


Although it has been chartered, there are many things we need to do such
as maintaining/growing the membership. Let's get together and enjoy
toastmastering in Machida BTMC.


Again, thank you very much!!!

Best wishes,
President Yasunobu Higuchi & members at Machida BTMC





Machida Bilingual-Toastmasters Club The 35th Meeting
date;23th Apr,2011 PM1:30~3:20
Venue;Machida Bungakukan Kotoba-land
Attendees;16(members 14、guests 2)
Toastmaster of the Day;TM. RY
Word of the Day/今日の言葉;TM. K Im 「felicitate //寿ぐ (ことほぐ) 」
Ah-counter;TM. K Im
Grammarian;TM. IY
Timer;TM. KK
Vote Counter;TM. IY

Table Topics(TM NY)
1. What do you think about self-regulation after the earthquake? TM JI
2. What do you think about Sustainable development? TM TK(2m37s)
3. What do you think about animal experiments? TM KIy(1m16s)

Prepared speech

1st “Playing golf”(CC#5 Your body speaks) 5m52s TM MS
TM MS talked about golf wearing golf wear and cap. She spoke about her golf history and the attraction.
Evaluation:TM TK(4m3s)
Dressing in golf wear and the cap made the speech easy understood by audience. It might be better to move bigger.

2nd “The Answer”(CC#3 Get to the point)7m21s TM TZ
TM TZ told the answer why she came to Japan, and what should we do if there are opposite opinions which hard to decide which is correct.
Evaluation:TM YH(3m16s)
The speaker made speech without memo and the English was fluent. It might be better to tell the conclusion ”the answer” earlier and change the direction of your body when you suppose different ideas.

3rd”Just around the corner”(CC#2 organize your speech)6m52s TM KT
TM KT talked about when she struggled to find job and deal with the task with humor. The speech is rehearsal of the division contest hold the next day.
Evaluation:TM JI(3m25s)
TM JI evaluate the speech as contest judge and gave the advice according to the standard of the contest.

4番目「蝶のように舞い…」 (CC#1 アイスブレーカー)TM KIs 5m52s
論評 TM KIy 2m23s(Best)

The helpers worked well. TMOD dealt with some happenings with flexibility. It might be better if she has stronger leadership to do them. It was good that the evaluation of TM KT’s speech was made from the view of contest judge.日本語の部では、英語の部で延びていた時間を予定通りにするために役割紹介を省略するなど対応できていた。


Written by TM RY
町田バイリンガルトーストマスターズへようこそ!-Meeting in Session

町田バイリンガルトーストマスターズへようこそ!-Table Topics in Session

町田バイリンガルトーストマスターズへようこそ!-Award Winners

Machida Bilingual Toastmasters
The 34th meeting (Apr.08.2011)
Venue: B-life
Attendees: Members 12, Guest TM 2
Word of the day TM TK: “自然に / な” TM KenI: “tenacious”
Ah-counter TM NY
Grammarian TM YH
Timer TM TZ
Vote counter TM KK

Area44 ガバナーと町田バイリンガルのクラブメンターのお二人がお越しになり、チャーターのお祝いと激励のお言葉をいただきました。
はじめに、チャーター後初めての入会式が 厳粛にかつ親しみを込めて執り行われました。

準備スピーチ 「春・イースター」(The Ice Breaker)TM TY 5’17”

論評 TM JI 3’21”

準備スピーチ 「ありがとうからはじまること」(Organize Your Speech)TM TS 6’42”
挨拶ができない子供に対する考察 及び人材育成の現場における例等を提示しながら、挨拶やありがとうという言葉の本質とはとの問いかけ、さらには提案をされました。

論評 TM TK 3’22” (ベスト)

Prepared Speech “The Reunion After Long Years!” (The Entertaining Speaker, Speaking After Dinner) TM YI 14’45”
He joyfully talked about his old teacher and 2 dozen classmates in the reunion of his elementary school last year, and some parts of his history.

Evaluation TM YH 3’17” (Best)
He explained the objectives of the project first and commented a couple of good points of the speech especially about very entertaining opening.

Table Topics Table topics Master TM KenI
Three topics were related to this biggest earthquakes and the tremendous consequent tsunami.
1: Do you think the current rolling blackout is good? Do you have any other ideas? TM KeiI 2’06”
2: Which option do you think we should choose to prohibit nuclear power plants or to build safer ones? Guest TM HD 1’47” (Best)
3: Do you think the self-restraint is over reaction? Guest TM HY 2’09”

General Evaluation TM KT
She made comprehensive evaluation of the meeting with favorable comments such as, the proper time management of the meeting, conducted the induction ceremony smoothly, accurate evaluations and so on.

Minutes Writer TM KeiI
町田バイリンガルトーストマスターズ 第33回
日時;2011年3月26日(土) PM14:00~16:05
出席者;17名(会員 14名、見学者 3名)
司会(Toastmaster of the Day);TM. Ken.I.
今日の言葉(Word of the Day);TM. Kei.Ish.
えーとカウンター(Ah-counter);TM. M.H.
文法係(Grammarian);TM. M.H.(J)/TM Ag(E)
計時係(Timer);TM. S.K.
集計係(Vote Counter);TM. S.S.


テーブルトピックス;(マスター)TM. Kei.I.
1、「ツィッターは役に立ったか?」TM.S.S. (1m43s)

特別セッション 「Moments of Truth」TM. Y.H. (30分25秒)

Prepared Speech 1 “At just the right time”, (5m. 20s.)
TM.R.Y. insisted the timing is very important about our life. Related to marketing strategy, she told us about her experience of changing jobs

Prepared Speech 2 “At tulane commencement”, (12m. 14s.)
TM.J.I. introduced us the impressive speech, which was made by James Carville at Tulane University.

Individual Evaluation 1,(3m.06s)
TM Ok pointed out correctly that she has many strong points such as understanding easily, seeing to all the audience and asking questions.
On top of that, he recommended her to use vocal variety instead of speaking stedily, calm and flat.

Individual Evaluation 2,(3m.35s)
TM K.T. pointed out that she made a impressive speech held at Tulane University. Also, she told us strong points such as the background of the speech, good topic and delivery statue. She pointed out too much body language.

総合論評(General Evaluation) TM.T.K.
As usual, she evaluated the overall meeting.
町田バイリンガルトーストマスターズへようこそ!-110226 Meeting in Session

Minutes of Machida Bilingual TMC meeting on 26 Feb 2011

The club has been formally recognized by Toastmasters International on 1 Feb 2011 as a full-fledged club, which is needless to say a historic moment for the club. The club has had another historic moment on 26 Feb 2011, which was our fist In-house Speech Contest!!! The following is a brief summary of the Contest, for those who unfortunately missed it.

There was Contestant / Chief Judge Briefings conducted prior to the commencement of the meeting, in which Contestants were reminded of Contest Rules whereas Judges, timers, tally counters, were informed on judging criteria, etc.

Then the meeting stated at 18:30. Guests were instroduced to the attendees, Next, the Contest Chair/ Master of Ceremony (YH) explained everyone on the Contest Rules—5-7 min speech, speaking order, etc. Chief Judge, TM MH who challenged this job for the first time, advised attendees on the judging criteria and announced that his judging team was ready to begin the contest.

There were 5 speakers in the English Contest: TM TK, TM YI, TM KT, TM NY, & TM TZ (speaking order). TM TK presented a speech titled “YUTOMI” on her childhood experience with her grandmother who used to tell very softly to her that she can say what was wrong. She also spoke how this granma’s encouraging atomosphere now helped her back then and now.

The second speaker was TM YI presented a speech titled “HOLLAND IS PARADISE!”. It was about his experience working/living in Netherlands and how he encountered cultural differences and also enjoyed them.

The third speaker TM KT spoke on her experience on job hunting under the title of “Middle-aged people, never give up”. She talked about how it was hard for her to find a job, which had to come at a cost of not succeeding numerous interviews. After she got a job, she also had another miscommunication situations, which I understood she kind of enjoyed and wanted to tell the audience that they should never give up.

The forth speaker TM NY gave a speech titled “Developmental Disability. Trouble for the Self and Others”. He first explained that he has a learning challenge and wanted the audience to understand his special situations. He then spoke on his experience on this matter.

The fifth and the last speaker for the English Contest was TM TZ presented a speech titled “The Answer”. She talked about her experience coming to Japan from China and what she has been doing since then—which I understood a kind of identity search.


After a short recess, all the participants were given certificates of participation each. We then presented the First Place Winner Award to TM TK, Second Place Winner Award to TM KT, Third Place Winner Award to TM TZ—Congratulations on all winners and well done for other participants. The First and Second Place Winners can proceed to the Area 44 Speech Contest representing our club (The Third Place Winner will a substitute representative in the absence of a higher-raking winner).



Reported by YH 作成者 KT


Machida Bilingual Toastmasters

The 31st meeting

Feb.11,2011 19:00~21:08

Venue: Machida Chuo Kominkan

Attendee: Members 12, Guest TM 3


Word of the day TM MS : unforgettable 忘れがたい


Ah-counter TM TK

Grammarian Guest TM KS

Timer TM KI

Vote counter TM NY

Cameraman TM JI

Despite the snow, 15 TM members gathered and enjoyed 2 prepared speeches, table topics and wonderful workshop. And after the meeting, we ate three super-big OKONOMIYAKIs together!

Prepared speech  CC#1 TM TS 5’48”

“Things We Can Do for Next Generation: Give Them a Switch”

He told us about his theory of life and his family members. The speech inspired us a lot.

Evaluation TM KT 3’19”

She praised TM TS for his achievement of the first speech and told good points such as persuasive contents, good eye contact, and 2 improvement points.

準備スピーチ  上級 楽しく話すスピーカー #2「目からうろこのスピーチ練習法」

TM Ken I 7’ 10” Best Speaker


論評 TM SG 3’04”


Table topics Table topics Master

Three topics were related to winter and health condition and the three guests answered the topics.

1: Do you have any tips to prevent from a cold? Guest TM KM 1’20”

2:What do you do to get over a cold soon?
Guest TM KS 2’00”

3:How do you manage to keep yourself in good condition?
Guest TM KA 2’08” Best

ワークショップ 「スピーチコンテスト審査方法について」Guest TM KA


総合論評 TM YH


Minutes Writer TM TK


日時: 2月26日(土)18:00~21:00

場所: まちだ中央公民館 学習室1&2

     How to go? →

お知らせ: 見学は無料です!お気軽にどうぞ。


申込み&問合せ: 当ブログのメッセージまたはメールでお気軽にお問合せください


日時: 3月11日(金)19:00~20:30

場所: まちだ中央公民館 学習室1&2

     How to go? →

お知らせ: 見学は無料です!お気軽にどうぞ。


申込み&問合せ: 当ブログのメッセージまたはメールでお気軽にお問合せください


日時: 3月26日(土)14:30~16:30

場所: 町田文学館ことばらんど 大会議室

お知らせ: 見学は無料です!お気軽にどうぞ。


申込み&問合せ: 当ブログのメッセージまたはメールでお気軽にお問合せください
