在日米軍に謝意 I gratitude in the United States forceses in Japan.



It appreciates the people of the officers and men in the American army, the navy, Air Force, the Marine Corps which is working at the United States forces in Japan base and the people of the staff.
Japan's stability is the grace of the United States forceses in Japan.
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イラクでの米国の困難 The difficulty of the U.S. in Iraq




To point out about the bottleneck of the U.S. army in Iraq like afterthought is easy.
It thinks that there is a discussion surely about the right or wrong of the dissolution of the Iraqi government troops

but it is an appendix opinion having to do with a critic only.
Rather, a popular election is implemented and the Diet, the government are normalizing.
Also, it thinks that the voting rate, too, is higher than Japan

and that the political apathy in Japan is rather dangerous.
Also, there is pacifism, too, in the U.S. but the chauvinism thinks that it does the large majority still more.
They are an enlisted soldier

and also it is the reasonable thing that overthrows own country people opposition vs. the criminal, the monocrat who does and kills or injures with the chemical drug and poison gas.

イラク派兵延長に賛同 Approves of the Iraq's sending troops





It approves of the extension of being stationed in Iraq in the Japanese Self-Defense Force where the rule is right.
The posture which increases, doesn't separate an employment in the place and melts into the resident is wonderful.
It conquers gastroenteritis as the diarrhea, the heave, and so on, and it thanks a performed SDF member for the difficult duty which is limited in the leisure, too.
SDF in Iraq is the pride of the Japanese boy.

拉致交渉には核兵器が不可欠 The nuclear weapon is indispensabl





North Korea, China, too, are possesing a nucleus.
There is not a qualification that Japan which doesn't have a nuclear weapon is an equal negotiation match.
As for possession probability's there being,

It begins and that the negotiation by aspect becomes possible about whether or not Japan, too, is the possession of the nuclear weapon.
Without the equal arms, it thinks that it isn't dealt with.

日本男児の活躍の場を Place of the activity of the Japanese






The Japanese chivalry, the samurai soul think that it does the tradition of the Japanese boy.
Mamiya Rinzo's Sakhalin exploration, antarctic exploration by Shirase lieutenant

and an outstanding explorer, too, are produced.
It is courageous and it is patient.
It suppresses discontent dissatisfaction, too, and the duty can be performed.
It is the business to be dangerous and to be much with the manned space flight of the Japanese machine being difficult, but the Japanese boy doesn't mind and thinks that it comes back without giving up until the last, to be alive.
The governmental executive, too, is ready and asks for it dares when making the implementation of the manned space flight which has risk, too, possible and wanting.
It thinks that it is never the Japanese boy who is more delicate than the U.S. and Soviet inside.







The space engineering technology is a civilian, the one of the military affair sharing.
However Japan shows off a civilian, it isn't possible to do a military affair diversion.
Pure civilian development is denied by the laufing from the foreign countries.
Also, the scouting satellite is indispensable for the diplomatic national defense, too.
The quick information grasping is valuable to North Korea's nucleus development, Senkaku at the missile and in China, the provoking to Taiwan, the intimidation into it, the campaign to it above all.
Therefore, as for the space development in Japan, it thinks that to promote the involvement of the Defense Agency and the Self-Defense Force promptly is essential.
It thinks that it should invest a part with Self-Defense Force budget in the development of the military satellite.
It thinks that the fee vs. the effect, too, are bad, that the space development which is not in the concerning by the Defense Agency and the Self-Defense Force is incomplete and that it is determinative.

園田元外相への敬意 The respect for Sonoda former Foreign








It read the article that Sonoda former Foreign Minister was a kamikaze pilot.
In case of the loss, there were suiside attacks from Chitose Airport in Hokkaidou and to Saipan ,I have heard for the first time.
At the map, it is nearly 4000 kilos.
At zero, it has a bomb and in the influence of the wind and so on, 500 kilos per hour may not come out.
If being 400 kilos per hour, 10 hours take to Saipan.
Even if it rides a wind, it thinks that it took equal to or more than 6 hours.
Excelling sense of mission is needed when heading for the jawses of death and flying in 8 hours.
It thinks that it was supported by the big patriotism.
In the driving of a car, equal to or more than 6 hours are quite weary and are attacked by the sandman.
Much more, it thinks that that the heavy feelings per enemy warship body in one way flight keep normal state of mind is difficult.
It confronts the duty for which it is very difficult to be suiside attacks that the success rate can not look forward to it in the military situation aggravation and we appreciate each rank of the spiritses of dead soldier who were accomplished in the performing whole-heartedly.
Also, it thinks that the spiritses of dead soldier take over a dying great motherland and that they want to defend it.

日本も有人飛行をmanned flight in Japan, too





The basics of the space flight are manned flight.
Only in the development of the mechanical robot of the aerospace engineering, it is not mainstream.
It is indispensable to manned for the experiment, the investigation in the astrospace.
There is need which Japan, too, puts earnestness in as the surface of the moon landing and the moon investigation, the Martian landing and the Mars exploration, the asteroid investigation, and so on.
In the manned flight, it was late for China roughly.
With the manned flight, it is inevitable to be dangerous to the human life but it thinks that there are many Japanese boys and brave exploration persons in the samurai.
It looks forward to the wise decision of the prime minister.















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