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About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

日本語  ENGLISH  中文  한국어

Japanese language instructor will support vaccination reservations.
Fill out prevaccination screening questionnaire together.
Please come directly to the venue with your vaccine ticket sent from city office
And residence card.

We assist your Vaccination Appointments


Notice on COVID-19 vaccination for residents in Itabashi

You will receive a letter from Itabashi city office.

It will include a “vaccination coupon” necessary to receive the vaccine.

“Vaccination coupon”

An appointment is needed to receive the vaccine.

Booking appointments & Inquiries: Itabashi Covid-19 Vaccine Call Center
TEL0120-985-252(9:00~18:00weekends and public holidays included)
Available languages:  English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Nepali, and Burmese
Appointment on Internet:  https://vaccines.sciseed.jp/itabashi

【Please read this leaflet for more details】



Covid-19 Vaccination program

Dates of Birth Sending Vaccination Tickets
1st: Residents born on and before April 1, 1947, older than 75 May. 6 (Thu)
2nd: Residents born on between April 2, 1947 and April 1, 1957, older than 65 and younger than 75 May. 20 (Thu)
3rd: Others End of May

The Vaccination will be conducted 1st and 2nd accordingly from the mid-May. Subject to be delayed according to the supply volume of the vaccine. For the 3rd group of people, the vaccination will be conducted later than 1st and 2nd group, the notice will be provided on this ICIEF or other measures once prepared for the injection. Please wait a little while more.

Booking appointments & Inquiries: Itabashi Covid-19 Vaccine Call Center
TEL: 0120-985-252(9:00~18:00weekends and public holidays included)
Available languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Nepali, and Burmese




In order to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, please keep the following points in mind when attending events and dining together.

  • If you are not feeling well, do not attend events and refrain from dining together.
  • Refrain from participating in events and from dining in places where conditions such as closed spaces, crowding and close- contact settings are likely, or where basic infection prevention measures are not thoroughly implemented. In particular, refrain from participating in events or parties where large numbers of people are crowded together and where people are talking loudly.
  • When participating in events and dining together, ensure that appropriate infection prevention measures are taken, such as keeping an appropriate distance from other people, sanitizing your hands and fingers, wearing masks, and refraining from talking loudly.


・Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Telephone Consultation Service (for questions about outbreaks and general information)
TEL:0120-565-653 (9:00–21:00)
Available Languages: English, 中文 (Chinese), 한국 (Korean), Português (Portugues), Español (Spanish), ภาษาไทย (Thai), Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

・Tokyo Multilingual Consultation Navi
You can consult with us when you are troubled by the coronavirus (COVID-19)
Mondays to Fridays 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Closed Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays.

・New Coronavirus Consultation Center
Hours : 9:00~22:00(Opened on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.)
Consultation on prevention, inspection, and medical care

For people suffering from abuse by their partner
Tokyo Women’s Plaza 5-Language DV Consultation Service
Tues., Thur., Fri. 13:00 to 16:00
English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Tagalog

・Foreign Residents Support Center (FRESC) (Immigration Services Agency of Japan)




CORONA VIRUS info in Multiple Languages on NHK WORLD-JAPAN

・We are providing multilingual information related to COVID-19 for residents in the Greater Tokyo area (Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa).

COVID-19 Assistance Service for Foreigners in Japan    (Powered by NGO Accept International)

・For Foreigners Working in Companies
If you need help, please consult public employment security office (Hello Work).

・For Pregnant Women  Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Countermeasures

・World Health Organization(WHO)

・To households that are struggling for their living expenses due to temporary stoppage of work or unemployment caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic spreads
Guidance on Temporary Loan Emergency Funds
Inquiries : The Itabashi Council of Social Welfare (いたばしく しゃかいふくしきょうぎかい)
℡03-3964-0556 FAX03-3964-1176
The Itabashi Council of Social Welfare office accepts inquiries only in Japanese.Kindly requested to arrange a Japanese speaker on your behalf.

・The Housing Security Benefit
As a measure for supporting those who are finding it difficult to pay the rent for their current housing due to income decrease resulting from business shutdown, etc., we pay rent to their landlords, through local municipalities, for three (or up to nine) months.

Inquiries :いたばし生活仕事サポートセンター
℡03-6912-4591 FAX 03-6912-4592 itabashi-support@roukyou.gr.jp