






文/渡邉ひかる 撮影/関根和弘



(「在我演出的電影『深夜前的五分鐘』裏,有一段Fernando Pessoa所寫的詩。。美沒有任何意義。同樣的,現在你所想像的愛,結果也是沒有任何意義的。因為渴望被愛是很苦澀的,因此請把它封鎖在自己心中。。。有這樣的內容。為什麼要度量愛呢?因為愛只有在自己心中能夠衡量,所以這是在說自己應該要徹底地去做自己吧。真的覺得是這樣啊。只是,就算是這樣,果然還是覺得不能捨棄希望啊,我覺得超越了這些的相遇和互相關愛肯定是存在的。雖然不知道是什麼,但是想要在一起,或是覺得果然家人真的是很好啊這樣的心情,我覺得絕對有的啊。人生在世,一定應該會有至少一次跟這樣的瞬間相遇的吧,這是我現在的想法。相遇的時候,會伸手去抓著,還是最終還是遠離了,這就因人而異了。」)

{“In my movie ‘Five Minutes to Tomorrow’, there was a part where Fernando Pessoa’s poem was shown… Beauty has no meaning. Similarly, the love you imagine now has no meaning in the end. Because the desire to be loved is very painful, so please lock it inside your heart… It was kind of like this. Why measure love? Because love can only be measured in oneself’s heart, so this was saying that one should be himself/herself completely. I really think so. But, even so, I still think we cannot give up hope. I feel the encounter and caring for each other that surpass all these definitely exist. Although I don’t know what it is, but I think the longing to be together or the feeling of having a family is nice definitely exist. In one’s life, this kind of encounter should happen at least once. This is what I think right now. When it happens, do you reach out and hold on tight, or grow apart at the end, this really differs from people to people.”}




{“… how should I put this… although I did not have such experience at all” he said shyly. Surprisingly, a common keyword exists in the movie that was created in the new environment of Shanghai and the world of the first straight play he took on. This is indeed very interesting. He also said “Although everything is just about to start now, if I review the lines I am interested in through the role, wouldn’t I generate lots of ideas/thoughts and feelings?” He seemed to be trying out a new approach to prepare for this stage work.}




{“I want to find connections and similarities between myself and the role of Val. Basically, I’ve never looked for similarities between the roles I played and myself in the past, but the straight play this time has many lines that made me want to think and compare to myself. So, I want to find some similarity this time. Although in the past, I just became that person but never thought too much about it…”}




{On April 5th, he became 25. “Although I said this every year… I thought I’d be a better 25 years old than this… (laugh) I should be more mature. But age just continues to increase. Because I never thought a lot about the role in the past, I’m really sorry…” he laughed jokingly.}




{“But if you say ’so you would feel satisfied if you play your past roles with your current approach?’ I’d think my acting at that time had the energy at that time. For example, if I get a chance to play the role of Shacchi, which was the first role I had in my first stage work ‘Hoshi no Daichi ni Furu Namida”, I am not sure if I could surpass the Shacchi at that time. Although I have my own thoughts about the role, it is good to achieve that… But I think it is necessary for me right now to be able to think about the role, even if only for a little. It’s for myself. Who knows, maybe when I’m 30, I would change my mind and think it’s better not to think too much and just just go forward… Though I really don’t know.}




{Although I haven’t got a chance to say something that would make him happy, but without any hesitation, I said with a quiet voice ‘Miura san’s acting is very interesting!’}


「言葉を裏返せるっていうさっきの話じゃないですけど、”三浦さんつて真面目ですね!”って言われると、ある時は”ありがとうございます”と思うけど、ある時は”真面目ってどういうこと? つまらないってこと?”と思ったりもする。現場だと特に、真面目な芝居しかできないつまらない奴ってことなのかなあって歪んで考えちゃったりもします。面倒臭いですよね(笑)。何が嬉しい言葉なのかもわからない。要するに、その時々の自分の心境って話になるんですけど。役者に限らず、人の心理ってそうなんだろうなって。いい状態と悪い状態では響き方が違ってくるだろうし。自分の心理状態が他人の言葉でわかったりもする。真面目という言葉を素直に受け入れられないとしたら、それは自分が納得できるほどやり切れでないということかもしれない」

(「關於把一句話反過來想這樣的事情,剛剛不是提到嗎?被說了“三浦桑非常認真呢!”時,有事會覺得“謝謝!”,但是有時候會覺得“認真是什麼樣的意思?是我很無聊嗎?” 尤其在拍攝現場,有時候也會忍不扭曲地覺得有是在說我是個只會認真嚴肅的演出的無聊的傢伙嗎?我真的很麻煩是不是(笑)。也不知道什麼是開心的話。重點就是,根據當時自己的心境,聽起來的話就變成某個意思了呢。不僅止是演員,人的心裡也是這樣的吧。狀況好的時候和不好的時候,產生共鳴的部分會不一樣。自己的心理狀態從他人的言語也可以洞察得到呢。如果沒有辦法坦白地接受認真這樣的詞語,那也是因為自己還沒有辦法完全接受也說不定。」)

{“Didn’t we just talk about thinking about what was said in the opposite the way? When I was told ‘Miura is very serious!’, sometimes I’d say ‘thank you!’, but sometimes I’d think ‘what do you mean by serious? Does it mean I’m really boring?’ Especially at the shooting location, sometimes I couldn’t help but think in a twisted way that they thought I was only a serious person who only knew acting but was very boring? I am such a trouble, aren’t I? (laugh) I don’t even know what to say to be fun. And what’s important is that based on my mood/feeling/state at that time, what I heard became certain meanings. Not just actors, it’s the same for regular people. Depending on whether your condition is good or bad, the parts that resonate with you might be different. You can identify/recognize your own mental status from other people’s words. If I cannot honestly accept the description of being ‘serious’, maybe that’s because I myself still cannot accept that, either.} 



(一邊說這些,也一邊苦笑著說「等接近正式演出,如果被逼得更緊了的話,連這樣的想法都會整個被拋在腦後了也說不定啊。」把自己置身於彩排前的寧靜的演員。對於導演Phillip Breen希望能演繹出滿溢著野性的Val,好像收到了「希望能把身體鍛鍊起來」的指示,他說「正在努力進食和鍛煉中。也漸漸轉變(變壯)了的感覺呢。」)

{While saying all this, he also had a bitter smile and said “When it gets closer to formal performances, maybe when I was pressured too much, maybe I’d have no time to even think about all these.” He’s an actor currently in the quiet period before rehearsal. From director Phillip Breen who hoped he could show a wild Val, he seemed to have received the command of ‘Please build up your body’, he said ‘I’m working hard to eat a lot and doing training. I feel I’m changing gradually.”}




{Lady, who was played by Otake Shinobu, and many other female roles in this play are all attracted by Val’s charm. And the story accelerates. Regarding playing the role full of sex appeal, he seemed to say “I didn’t think about anything. I’ll try very hard anyway! (laugh)”}




{“Regarding that, it’s not something I could polish on/study. If I try to polish/study that, isn’t that just try to live romantically? I could only use my own way to figure out the lifestyle that sends out men’s pheromones, and try my best to get closer to it. Those who have real acting skills, the many many senpais might be able to create this kind of sex appeal. But even if I feel ‘that actor is the most handsome. I want to give out that kind of sex appeal!’ and try to mimic him, I don’t think I would be able to send out the same vibe. So, maybe I could only try to really become that type of person in private… Then, wouldn’t I be able to give out that kind of vibe naturally?… Although I really don’t know… No matter what, this is only prediction (laugh).”}


この舞台のために、ロマンティックに生きてみては? と提案してみると、言い終わらないうちに「ブブブブ」と吹いてしまった。「どうしよう? 今日からロマンティックになっちゃおうかな? そうですね。でも、だいたいロマンティックなことをすると、僕はキマらないんです。よく言われるんですよね。何か、キメるべきところをキメられないよねって。格好つかないんです。だから、高望みはせず、等身大で行くべきなんじゃないかなと思っています」


{I suggested to him, how about trying to live romantically for this stage? But before I finished my sentence, he already bursted out laughing. “What to do? From today on, should I become romantic? Right. But, usually, when I do something romantic, I become indecisive. I was often told this way, somehow, when I needed to be decisive, I became indecisive. It's so uncool. Therefore, please do not have overly high expectation, I feel isn’t it better just to go with whatever approach that fits me?”}





{Before I gave him the example of last year’s role in ‘Last Cinderella’ that captured many many girls’ hearts last year, I found Miura Haruma is already sending out undeniable charm when saying “I think trying hard to face the things one needs to do is already very sexy. The side profile when considering this…etc. I’d think this guy’s expression is so cool!” Even when I told him what I thought, the serious him probably only heard 25% of it? “Wow…. I’m a little happy hearing what  you just said! (laugh)”}


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