





I did the English translation for a friend in Europe. But I didn't have much time to proof read and polish the translation, so it is really done very poorly. Please bear with me.



地獄のオルフェウス インタビュー記事掲載

FLIX 2015年6月号より

文/渡邉ひかる 撮影/関根和弘


その日、三浦春馬は少々不安そうな顔をしてみせた。「すべてが挑戦だなって感じているのと同時に、機会を与えてくれた人たちに感謝しなきゃいけないなと思っています」と口にした後、突如小声になり、「だから……自分、大丈夫かな? とも思いますけど(笑)」。続けて、「全く不安じゃないと言ったら嘘になる。でも、なるべく不安要素をなくしていきつつ、自分なりによく考えた上で演出家に相談や先輩方に相談したり、丁寧に取り組んでいけたらいいかなって。今はそんな心境ですね」と確かな口調で言い切る。


{Miura Haruma showed a bit unsettled today. “While I felt everything is a challenge, I couldn’t help but feel thankful for those who gave me this opportunity.” After saying this, he murmured “although I wonder if I’ll be able to do this? (laugh)“ Then, he said with a firm tone that “I’d be lying if I said I have no concern at all. But if I can remove the factors that made me feel unsettled little by little as much as possible, think deep about this work using my own way and discuss with the director and senpais, and finally put together everything, that would be great. This is how I feel now.”}



(演出的作品是「地獄的奧菲爾斯」。這是以「慾望街車」等作品讓人熟知的劇作家Tennessee Williams的處女作,灌注了靈魂,花了17年的反覆修改的作品。對於這個偉大的劇作,之前直率地說「說沒有不安是騙人的」或許是當然的,但是就算是那樣,他這名年輕的名演員至今也在舞台上釋放出了不起的存在感,前陣子的電影『永遠的0』也獲得了日本奧斯卡優秀男配角這樣光輝的成績。看到三浦春馬有點不安的姿態,覺得有點新鮮。)

{The project he’s working on is “Orpheus Descending”. This is the first work by the scriptwriter, Tennessee Williams, who’s famous for “The streetcar named desire”. He spent 17 years modifying it. It is a piece infused with his spirit. Facing such great theater work, one sure would say “I’d be lying if I said I have no concern at all”,  but this young actor has shined brightly on stage, and even got the best supporting actor at the Japanese Academy Award for his role in the movie “Eternal Zero”. Seeing Miura Haruma feeling nervous is something new to us.}





{“Although I’m happy to hear what you said, there are too many things that I could not make them seem like I know how to do them. (not sure about this sentence). Feeling grateful when receiving compliments…. If I don’t remain humble all the time, that is not good.” “Orpheus Descending,” in which he played a young man (Val) who fell in love with a married woman, is his first time taking on the challenge of straight play. This interview was done before the rehearsal began. He, who seemed to have already read though the script many times, used “as a person, there are certain aspects that resonated with me” to describe his feeling toward Val, who suddenly appear in the streets of a southern city that was filled with suffocating feeling, and set the desire of people around him on fire.}


「ヴァルが放つ台詞が、とても興味深いものばかりだったんですよね。、親しくなるためには触れ合うべきだと思っていた。けれど、触れればどんどん他人になっていく、といった表現で彼は語るんです。なるほど、そういう考え方もあるなあって。他にも、。人間は2種類ある。いや、違う。人間は3種類なんだ。その3種類目の人間に、自分はなりたい、って。言っていることはなんとなく分かるなあと思いましたね。ただ、それってすごく自由な考え方だけど、裏を返すと、”もっと現実を見た方がいいよ” ということかもしれない。きっと、ヴァルという人間は、そこに夢を見させてしまう人なんじゃないかなって。妙に納得させられる台詞だし、テネシー・ウィリアムズがそういう言葉を選んだことに大きな意味があるんだろうなって感じました」

(「Val所說的台詞全都是讓人非常感興趣的東西呢。為了變得親近,覺得必須與人互相接觸。但是,如果與人接觸,就會漸漸變成那個人。。他是這樣說的。原來如此,原來也有這種思考方法啊。其他的還有。。人類有兩種。不,不是這樣。人類有三種。他說,想要成為那第三種類的人。我覺得喔我似乎懂得他所說的啊。只是,雖然那樣是非常自由的想法,但是反過來想,或許也是在說“或許看清現實會更好啊”也說不定。Val這樣的人,在那肯定是個能讓人看見夢想的人不是嗎?不但是很巧妙地讓人可以接受的台詞,也感覺Tennessee Williams選擇了這樣的用詞應該有很大的用意啊。」)

{“All Val’s lines are very interesting. In order to become intimate, he felt that he must get in touch with others. But if he gets closer to another person, he would gradually become that person… he said this. I see… I didn’t know such perspective exists. There are others, like… There are two types of people. No, not like that. There are three types. He said he wanted to become the 3rd type. I felt I seemed to understand what he was talking about. Although his thoughts felt so free, if we think from the opposite perspective, maybe he was saying “maybe it’s better to look at the reality clearly.” Don’t you think Val made people there see their dreams? Not only was his lines nicely written so people can accept, but I also felt that Tennessee Williams chose the words with great intention in mind.”}



(想著1983年逝世的Tennessee Williams,他說「好像Tennessee桑把許多自己的經驗都寫進去了的樣子。」)

{Thinking of Tennessee Williams who passed away in 1983, he said “Mr. Tennessee seemed to have written his own experiences into this work.”}




{“Not only was I interested in how he lived, but I also felt a lot of fun thinking about “maybe he wrote this part based on his experience.” Although I’m not him, so I could only imagine, I hope there will be moments that make me think it’s fun to imagine from now on. I also think this is what “facing/embracing the work” means.}


コミュニティに波紋をもたらしていくヴァルは、自由な魂の象徴だという。、触れればどんどん他人になっていく、というヴァルの肌感覚を、孤独と呼ぶべきか、自由と呼ぶべきか。「言葉って、全部裏返すことができちゃうんですよね。”孤独だ。寂しい。何もできない” となってしまったらそれはもう自由じゃなく、孤独に縛られているだけだけど、考え様によっては孤独というものが解放にもなる。そもそも孤独感や閉鎖感っで、人それぞれ捉え方が違うと思いますし」と言い、納得の説明を加える。

(在當地掀起了波浪的Val可以說是自由靈魂的象徵。在接觸了他人之後漸漸變成了那個人。。像這樣感覺了Val的肌膚(這邊也不確定),該稱這個做孤獨嗎,還是應該說是自由呢? 他說「言語,全部都可以反過來想呢。如果變成了“孤獨。寂寞。什麼都做不了”的話,那已經不是自由,而是只是被孤獨束縛了而已。但是根據思考的方式,像孤獨這樣的東西也可以變成解放。我覺得本來孤獨感和閉塞感這樣的感覺本來就因人而異。」加上了讓人能夠接受的說明。)<-- 這整段是在問,在接觸了Val這個角色後,覺得Val該用孤獨還是自由來形容嗎??

{Val who made a big chaos in the local community can be seen as the symbol of the free spirit. The more you get in touch/interact with others, the more you become that person. Should we call such feelings of Val loneliness or freedom? “Language/words can be thought of/considered/understood in completely opposite ways. If you consider ‘Alone and lonely. There’s nothing I can do.’ then that’s not freedom anymore, but it’s only being restricted by loneliness. But based on the way one thinks, things like loneliness can also become freedom. I think the feeling of loneliness and restriction/suffocation differs from person to person.” He added acceptable explanations.}


「”私は家に帰って1人でド~ンと沈んでいるんです”と誰かが言ったとして、心配する人は心配するだろうし、馬鹿にする人もいるかもしれないし、”沈んだって何も始まらないよ!”と励ます人もいるかもしれない。でも、その落ち込み具合は当人にしかわからないもの。他人には決してわからない。”お前に俺の何がわかるんだよ!゛っていう台詞がよくありますけど、それって本当にそうだなって。”俺にはお前のことがわかるんだよ!” って、絶対嘘(笑)。だからと言って僕は絶望しているわけじゃなくて、自分の全てを把握してもらうなんて不可能なんだから、”お前に俺の何がわかるんだよ!”じゃなく、全てがわからないにもかかわらず、自分を心配してくれることにただ感謝すればいいのかなって。心配させるような態度を取ったことを反省しないといけないかもしれないし。意識の違いをそのまま受け入れつつ、その上で声を掛け合うのが理想だと思うんです」


{“If somebody said ‘I got home, and I was alone… and I fell into depression.’ those who would worry about him would worry, there might be people who thought that was stupid, and there might also be people who’d say ‘if you stay in depression, nothing can be started!’ trying to encourage him. But the state of feeling depressed is something only the person himself understands. Other people definitely would not understand it. Although there are often lines in a drama that says ‘What do you know about me?!’, but I think it is really true. ‘I understand how you feel!’ is definitely a lie (laugh). Nonetheless, I am not giving up hope completely. But just because it is impossible for anybody to completely understand my feeling, instead of saying ‘what do you know about me?!’  I think it’d be nice to just feel grateful for them to worry about me even if they do not completely understand. Maybe it is not right to show an attitude that worries people but not reflect on oneself. I think the ideal is to accept the each others’ differences as they are, and discuss with each other based on that.”}




{He seemed a bit embarrassed and said “What am I talking about?” But the more we heard him said, the higher expectation we have for the Val he’s going to play. The conversation after he said “In fact, there are things that interest me very much.” made the expectation higher and higher.} 




{Continue next time}