Today’s recipe 

<ingredients >
egg 2  hanpen1/2
Dashi  1tablespoon  sugar 2tablespoons
soy sauce 1/2teaspoon  salt a little 

<kitchen ware>
frying pan  bamboo mat. plastic bag. strainer 

<how to cook>
・☆mix all materials in a bawl without hanpen.
・★put hanpen in plastic bag and crush it with hands.
・☆and★mix them all in a bowl.filter through a strainer.
・put mixed materials into frying pan and baked 15min with very low heat.

・place it on the bamboo mat,cut up and down side.and roll it.
・cut it as you like after cooling.

Please try it!!!!

卵 2個  はんぺん1/2
ダシ 大1  砂糖 大2 醤油小1/2  塩 少々

フライパン、巻きす、ビニール袋 、ザル

