遅すぎる事は何も無い not too late to start | 札幌 宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンターのブログ

札幌 宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンターのブログ

北海道札幌市宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンター




私にはやりたい事がたくさんあります。それはとてつもなくくだらない事から、大きな野望までたくさん。友人に言ったら今からそれ?と言われるような事も(年齢的にも(〃∇〃))あるかと思いますが、年齢<情熱だと思いませんか? 私の祖母はもう90歳になるというのに、未だに仕事をしています。私より歩くのが早く、私より食べるのも早く、私よりたくさん食べます。会社のトップだというのに社員食堂で社員とおしゃべりしながら食事を摂っています。そんな祖母のDNAが私にもあると思うとワクワクせずにはいられません。


Good evening,

The real kickoff starts when you realized that『It was too late for me to start something.』
Have you ever heard this?

It doesn't matter how old you are, or what your sex is, you can explode that passion that you have been secretly having inside of you. Things you've been wanting to do, and things you haven't started doing it with some shitty excuses, there is nothing too late to start.

I have plenty things that I'd like to do, from such small worthless things to the huge ambitions to achieve. If I tell my ambitions to my friends, some of them might say 『 from now?? 』( age wise(*v.v)。 ) 
But don't you think age < passion ? My grandmother who is 90 years old is still working at the office, she walks faster than I do, eats faster than I do, and eats more than I do.... and even she is the top of the company, she eats at the employees dining hall with her employees with some chitchat with them. I have her DNA...this is already enough to excite me.

I believe that human being have infinite possibility, and we are the creators. The future is waiting to be created by us. The future you are imagining now will become true, what kind of future are you imagining at this moment?

$札幌 宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンターのブログ