アンドレアスの願い | Akasha のブログ 

Akasha のブログ 

ソウル・サウンド・ライアー制作 宇宙の音・地球の声(そらほし)WS











今月は1/11 新月Akashaに10時から集い、11:11に祈り合わせ奏で愛のときをもちます。


2/10, 3/10(塩尻でそらほし開催中), 4/9, 5/8, 6/6, 7/6, 8/4, 9/3, 10/3, 11/1, 12/1です。2月以降は事前連絡ないかぎり13時集合とします。






私たちの思考というものは、もう何年も前から、優秀な大学レベルにまで達しています! .


















アンドレアス レーマン

訳 美幸 


Dear all who will read this message...

Today I hope to give clearance to some little misunderstandings which are out of my view not real misunderstandings – but only different lookings from differen directions or in other terms: Looking from thinking mind or from heart feelings.

Our thinking mind got high class university level since many Years!

Our feeling mind needs much more care and silence inside of us before we can really feel without thinking at same moment! Most of all people – I include myself - need real effort to go truely into our heart without thinking at same time . . .

During all my workshops I used some terms to give more attention for feelings for all members who strarted carving for first time... All my instruments are „open Lyras“ without sound box – like other classic instruments (Guitar, Violin etc.) - they can be called: „open lyres“. My open lyres are totally different to all other Lyres... Also have very different sounds.

I know very well: All rough models (cherry, ash or maple wood) are „dead pieces“. But never I talked like this to the members. (I know all members know the wood is dead) - .

Nevertheless I explained about the carving: „It's like making a skin which can have breathing – I know about fact: Dead piece never can get real skin nor have breathing like living beeíng – but out of feeling it CAN.

Well, to connect heart to the carving work it can give the patizipants deeper feelings to go into the work. If I carve – only me in my small working place - I try to stay fully in feeling mood - .

Many Years ago I made two Tao-Lyras with same shape, same strings and same tuning – even the weight was exactly same! BUT: One was carved and the otherone was shaved by machine!

I invited musicians, lyre playing people, a carpenter and some other people (25 in total) who never heard such Tao-Lyre before. These people sitting with backside to the stage. One Lady was playing both one by one – 3 minutes silence – doing the same with same melody. Short after all people started to write down their feelings from 1) and 2). Shortly after we also had long talk about their expereinces!

The result was amazing! All people realy heard two different Sounds and their written part as well as their telling gave amazing result! From that day I promised God to carve all Lyras up to my last day!

During last 25 Years many different scales from many different countries came to Europe and huge surprises about what was used on our globe long ago till into our modern time - 

The famous Solfeggio tones are found about 1975 – and I also have Solfeggio Lyra inside all 12 models – But many more scales exist - .

I'm realy not disturbed if any owner of any of my instruments wants to tune Lyra into any other scale. 

As soon as we have big Tao-meeting, all members who want to share the big circle of Tao Lyras need to return their other tuned instruments into our Tao (D, E, A, B 432 Hz)! But such we don't have to tell because all owners know - so it's clear for all owners from the beginning!

I prefair Tao-Lyra should stay with true Tao tuning like I just told as well as all other types should stay as it was made – all these different Instruments with very special tunings have deep meening! The wood, the strings and the tension – and many more matters – the sum of many Years sound work – all is important for the total result of all these carved instruments – like Violin which has many more secrets inside!

On the other hand people are free to change into any scale they like – The most important part and at same time strongest wish I want to give as my most important message to all Lyre Owners:

„Please play your instrument EVERY DAY !!! For people, animals or trees – or for the wind – Please play together with your Heart Feelings – than it can be at same moment the stronges Love-Sound-energy transportation on our globe!! – And this true Love-Sound-Energy can be never ending support – going as big Thanks-Wave to the origin of all: God!

Andreas Lehmann