
このページは、『英単語ターゲット1900 6訂版』の掲載単語(801-820)を使った書き取り問題の解答です(問題はこちら)。







【801. assess】

 □ The company's value was assessed at $10 million.




【802. approve】

 □ The committee unanimously approved of the proposed budget cuts.




【803. remark】

 □ Our teacher remarked that we should do nice things for our parents.




【804. pose】

 □ He cleverly posed as a doctor to access restricted areas.




【805. yield】

 □ I yielded the decision-making power to him.




【806. exhibit】

 □ He started to exhibit symptoms of altitude sickness.




【807. distribute】

 □ The charity distributed food supplies among the refugees.




【808. command】

 □ The conductor commanded the orchestra to play louder.




【809. occupy】

 □ The philosophical question occupied the scholar's mind for years.




【810. pop】

 □ I'll pop in the office to grab some documents.




【811. pile】

 □ She neatly arranged the documents in a pile on her desk.




【812. greet】

 □ Let's greet our customers with a smile.




【813. apologize】

 □ They apologized for the inconvenience caused by the delay.




【814. frustrate】

 □ The launch of the product was frustrated by production delays.




【815. relieve】

 □ She was relieved to hear that her family was safe.




【816. derive】

 □ The word "piano" derives from the Italian term "pianoforte."




【817. deserve】

 □ The hardworking team deserves to celebrate their success.




【818. peer】

 □ She peered out from behind the curtains cautiously.




【819. defeat】

 □ Our team defeated the rivals by three points.




【820. convert】

 □ She converted her spare room to[into] a home office.










