
続きましたが(出産からのリカバリー パート2を読んでください)、先週の土曜日に血圧を測ったら、105でした!!最高にハッピー、もうこれで大丈夫!

After giving birth on February 28, I went though Oedema, my legs became swollen like elephants, and my blood pressure was high for about a week and a half (Please read my blog Postnatal Recoveryt Part 2). But when I took my blood pressure last Saturday it was down to 105, so it's all good now. I'm very happy!



I'm also trying to do stretches and massages using the foam roll as much as possible. But since it gets quite busy everyday, I've only been doing it every 3 days, so I need to keep it up daily. 



Now, I just need to keep up my pelvic floor exercises. I'm basically peeing in my pants every time I sneeze, so I must keep up my pelvic floor exercises as much as possible. The midwife at the hospital advised me to do pelvic floor exercises whenever I drive and hit a red light or while brushing my teeth so that I won't forget to do it. When Amy (my baby) was still in my stomach, she sat so low in my stomach that I was leaking every time I sneezed, which was a pain because I had to quickly hold my crutch with one hand, and then block my mouth with my other arm, which made me look like I was striking a Michael Jackson pose. So, I definitely need to work on my pelvic floor.




So, with Oedema is gone and blood pressure back to normal, I submitted the final report for my contract translation course to Babel Professional University of Translation and sbumitted my 1 year parental leave, so I restarted my charity work today. I'm a board member for a non-profit organization based in Tokyo supporting orphans, called YouMeWeNPO. 10 years ago my friend Amy created an arts camp for orphans called Designing Artists Academy (DAA) and we started this camp together. We decided to restart DAA starting this year so the next few months is going to be quite busy. For DAA, we need about 3,000,000 yen worth of funding, and in the past we relied mostly on foreign corporations, but perhaps because foreign corporations with offices in Japan seem to not be performing as well recently (?), they don't seem to be giving out as much funding to NPOs. So, in October of last year I applied for funding from Nippon Foundation. Unfortunately, we were turned down for that funding, which is why we are going to start raising a portion (500,000 yen) of our required funds through an online fundraising site called Readyfor. (FYI, we have already raised 1.5 million yen in funding through other funds).  So today, I created our fundraising page for Readyfor and reviewed the contract. But I must say, it takes an awful long time to type while breastfeeding!  (I'm still breastfeeding right now). I'm going to give my all to this fundraising. We have about 40 children from 5 orphanges who are planning to attend this camp, and we need to book the camp facility by end of next week, and we cannot cancel once we make the booking, so I definitely NEED to raise the funds. For DAA this time, we are fortunate enough to receive volunteer support from Hands On Tokyo as well, and are recruiting student volunteers from Waseda and Sophia University. It's time to get crackin'! 


(Photo of me and Amy - DAA camp creator -  taken in vancouver in 2016)