My precious things,passport,smartphones were st | ヨハネのブログ


I am Japanese female Christian Masako
Katahira, age 66.

I stay at Kagoshima,Japan after 2-year-stay of Yerevan, Armenia from September 2022.
I love Jehovah God and the Bible.
I explaine Bible
prophecies in my
Yohane no blog.

This is MASAKO KATAHIRA, Japanese female  Christian, the writer of Yohane  no blog.

This article was written in Armenia in July last year 2022.Sometimes my article was not post yet.

So I'll post this article again about half a year later now.

I am staying at Yerevan , Armenia.

My passport, ASUS smartphone, USB proving Yohane no blog former data, Japanese Dabid cards, Japanese bank book , all of precious things of mine were stolen, recently.

Even the 4,5 pages of  theft report of my smartphone was stolen on a metro train on the way from the police station where I report this theft incident.

So I am BEING STOLEN EVERYTHING precious for me.

Recently I noticed is used by group . Maybe fake Masako Katahiras use the email.

US  home land security ministry knows many MASAKO katahiras appear everywhere in the US.

In  my case, many fake masakos exist in many countries.

I . real MASAKO has been tried to stop war among many strong military nations for more than 10 years without getting any gains in my Articles of Yohane no blog.

Many fake Masakos don't  like tjat I become conspicuous.  Because they are doing for money.

 They pretend to be like me even though they have different opinions using my name MASAKO.

Recently one of fake Masakos  promoted Russian Ukranian war using my name MASAKO. She called Mr. Putin to encourage him to fight. She is a  Muslim.She was the female manager of the hostel I stayed at Yerevan for many months.

Although  I still try to stop the war sending Fax letters written in English  to Mr. Putin and Mr. Zelensky.  BUT due to fake MASAKO,  nuclear wars may happen.

Another fake  MASAKO said she  doesn't want to do a job for free.

 I think when she said this to me  , she knows I am the real Masako.

  They are getting a lot of money whereas I don't  get any salary from this.

 Even sometimes I have to stay outside because  I don't  have enough money for hostel charge.

   In my case, I don't get any salary  from their company.  Other people can see this blog for free.

BESIDES I am not a Christian for money. So I don't get any money from this business.

MY Asus  smartphone was stolen. So former phone number 080-7853-6008 I cannot use this number. 

So someone using this number imay be a fake Masako.

Moreover it seems I cannot use my former email .

It seems I cannot use some former gmails such as ,

This email

was used in Kofu city in Japan as an English conversation teacher.

If someone uses this email,  she may be a fake Masako.

But I'll try to recover my real ID.