Matte lenses will be released! | linegear Japan Official Blog

linegear Japan Official Blog


"This blog post was written by LINEGEAR in January 2022 and has been translated into English"


"Matte lenses will be released! Also, here is an update on the current situation" 



Theme: Blog


OAKLEY PENNY Titanium/Lens is a new product, Matte Lens (lndigo).


下矢印OAKLEY JULIET X Metal/Lens is Matte Lens (Black).

I would like to write more about it later.



Hello, everyone.

上矢印Romeo 1 Matte Lens (Black)


How are you all doing?

It has been cold recently, hasn't it? In Tsukuba, we had snow for the first time in a while last week.

Recently, as usual, my days have been filled with editing work in the office.


Because I've been bending forward for a long time while working, my shoulders are really stiff タラー, but since there are many new products to be released in the future, I want to hang in there a little longer.

Now, regarding the matte lenses mentioned in the title,

I've been introducing them on the blog here and there since last year, but we're finally releasing matte lenses.

So today, I'd like to write about matte lenses.



First of all, matte lenses, you probably haven't seen them much.



Roughly, I would like to explain what it is like.


Typically, mirrored lenses reflect the surrounding scenery with a sparkling effect to prevent eyes from being visible. It reflects like an actual mirror.


下矢印 (Normal Mirror/Flash Black)


下矢印Matte lenses do not have that reflection. 下矢印  Matte Lens/Black.


From the appearance, the lenses seem to be cloudy, making it appear as if a normal field of vision cannot be maintained.



How does it feel like?

It's an appearance that makes you go, Huh !? Can you see through that?


In most situations, the wearer's eyes are not visible through the lenses. They are less transparent than regular mirrored lenses.


However, in reality, it's a very unique lens because it allows clear visibility from the back side (wearer's side).




Therefore, there are no safety concerns, such as being difficult to see while wearing them. It meets the standards of JIS criteria.


The visibility through the lens is gray.


As mentioned before, there is a lens called DILLON, which is also a matte lens. However, it's not sold separately. Oakley fans overseas, including those on Oakley forums abroad, used to buy DILLON frames, replace the lenses, and integrate them into their own Juliets or Romeos.


Since the eyes are not visible and they have a pleasing appearance, these lenses have gained considerable attention and popularity.


In Japan, there seems to be little information circulating, and some people might not even be aware that such lenses exist.


In this situation, there were numerous inquiries about wanting matte lenses, and we were looking for a supplier who could produce them, which was the situation last year.


Finally, we can release them this time. There might be no shops in Japan handling these matte lenses.


The two types being released this time are black and blue variations (Black & Indigo).

Both are made of polycarbonate material. (They are not polarized lenses).


Please check the actual colors in the video.


These matte lenses are scheduled for sale for the following frames:

  • X-METAL series (Romeo 2, and Half X will not be released this time but will be available around the end of February).
  • All O Matter frames (All frames in the O Matter category of LINEGEAR's shop).

上矢印It's a bit hard to see, 

 but LINEGEAR will release them for all frames for which they can cut (and sell) lenses.


They would look cool even when attached to frames like Monster Dog or Pit Boss, don't you t




Now, let me show you some images of the lenses installed on frames.















The black matte lenses pair exceptionally well with the X-Metal's non-glossy, textured feel.

It enhances the overall appearance, creating a seamless unity between the lens and the frame.


As for the Indigo lenses, well,

I think there are various combinations.


Plasma/Titanium (Matte Silver)



上矢印These frames give off a cool impression, and wouldn't they match well?


I've uploaded some videos on YouTube, so please take a look.







We will release them as soon as they are ready, within the next few days.

The selling price is US$55.00.

Please consider it.


Now, finally, regarding our future plans,



Polarized version of NXT® Red Mirror




We will release the polarized photochromic version of the Red Mirror.



NXT® Red Mirror Polarized Photochromic 下矢印


These new NXT® lens products are already completed, and as soon as preparations like images are ready, we will start selling them soon.

虫めがねRegarding the sunglasses this time, there is a special version for the NXT® Polarized Red Mirror called "KOLOR UP."


I would like to provide more details about this in the next article. Stay tuned! パー


Last but not least, I'd like to express my gratitude for your continued support this year as well.


Thank you, and goodbye for now.


Please also check out our website.


Moreover, it would be encouraging if you could take a look at our YouTube and Instagram. (If you don't mind, please consider subscribing as well.)