サンレーモのフェスティバル | Liberteaching! リバティーチング

Liberteaching! リバティーチング

This is the blog of Liberteaching, LLC

Welcome to the blog of liberteaching, LLC.




I'm Matteo, one of the teachers of Liberteaching, LLC.

Liberteaching offers language training lessons for companies in Kobe.

We offer English and Italian lessons.

Today I want to talk about music! 爆笑Do you like music? If the aswer is "yes", have you ever listened to Italian music?
Italian music is really famous around the world and sometimes I've heard it by chance while I was walking around here in Japan.
Since 1951 every year in the town of Sanremo, Italy, the Sanremo Music Festival is held which is the most popular Italian song contest and awards. Yesterday the winner of the competition has been chosen! This is him! ニコニコ

Try to listen to his song(Mamhood- Soldi). Do you like it?
If you have the oppurtunity please try to enjoy the Sanremo Festival with us!お願い