Today we will be learned new phonics and actions based on the materials we studied from the past lessons. Students played educational games, interacted with each other and the teacher actively during class activities. 


Circle Time.

Checked attendance and homework.

Asked warm up questions:

  • What is the weather like today?
  • How are you feeling today?
  • Asked questions individually and as a group.

Phonics and Reading.

Warmed up with prounounciation and went over the alphabet.

Practiced reading based on the story of today's topic.



Eco class.
We practiced the relevant vocabulary and played a memory game.
We rehearsed the Questions and Answers from the last class. The students both answered and asked quesitons to each other and the teacher.
Today we learned a new phonics story with the words. The students practiced the new sounds with a fun game. Afterwards, the students were divided into two teams and played a little competition based on the material. 
Additionaly we learned and practised new actions.
  • Put on an apron
  • Pour the paint
  • Pick up the paintbrush
  • Mix the colors
  • Paint a picture
Students first read, then acted out the actions in a fun activity where the students guessed what the actions being gestured are. 
Eco worksheet number 5-6 Find and Match
Homework worksheet number 7-8 trace and match.
Activity - Eco Art Competition.
We held an art competition based on the students' Eco paintings from last class. The works were judged by the teachers and an award ceremony was held. The top 2 painters of each class were awarded a medal and a prize was given to the winner. 
Overall, today was a fun day, where every child actively participated and had fun. The day went by with no issues and the children looked happy to be in class again. 