Hello! Good day everyone, I hope you are all staying safe during this troubled times. Here are some of the things we did today!


Circle time : Greetings - "Good morning, __________!" / "Good afternoon, _________!"
                  Calendar - Question : "What is the day today?" Answer: "Today is <day>, <date> of <month>."
                  Weather - Question: "What is the weather today?" Answer: "The weather is <hot/cold> and                         <weather>
                  5-minute kids exercise. (star jump, squats, climb rope, windmill arms, etc...)

Study time: Unit 4 Flashcards review
                 Unit 4 Section C; Alphabet Drill
                 Unit 4 Poster (Australia)
Communication time: Question and Answer - Question: "What's this?"/ "Is this a _____?" 
                                                               Answer: "It's a _____." / "Yes,it is."/ "No,it's not."

Activity: Cooking "Shaved Ice"


Today, we had a role play. Having all the big kids as the cashier/server and the small kids as costumers. They had 4 flavors to choose from, which were strawberry, melon, lemon and blue hawaii. When they order they need to say "May I  have some _________." for the big kids to serve them. It was a nice learning experience to everyone!


See you again next week and make sure to wash your hands for 20 seconds, yeah?





来週8/8のアクティビティはWater Playです。









