宿題が終わりました | ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ


A few weeks ago I attended a seminar on "how to raise a healthy child"

The homework was to go home and write a list of 100 good things about your child

I put off doing so, because I thought it would take up much time

But I was surprised...once I started writing......I could not stop...and even at 100, I kept thinking of things

Sometimes it is easy to think about only the negative aspects of our child

So doing this was a good activity to remind myself of how lucky I am
だから、この宿題をやって。。。 自分がラッキを思い出す

Lina is a pretty easy child to raise these days

But it was not always so........it's been a tough few years (even my mom felt really bad for me every time she saw me raising Lina)
けど。。。前は。。。そうじゃなかった。。。 (最初の何年間は。。。とても大変でした。。。。私の母も。。。いつも私を見て、可哀そうと思ったぐらい大変だった)

If you work your butt off the first three years of your child's life......I think it really pays off later on (produces an easier to raise child)
けど。。。特に。。。最初の3年間を頑張ったら。。。 その後の子育ては楽になると思う

The first 3 years set a precedent for everything
その最初の3年間は。。。本当に。。。何でも決める。 (set a precedent = 先例を作る)

This kind of list...reminds us to focus on the good things.

Focusing on the good things in life...(easy to say, hard to do, ha ha!)

ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ