思ったより強い! そして。。。ママは変 | ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ

思ったより強い! そして。。。ママは変

Yesterday we were in Tokyo...from 8am to about 6pm.

We were seated on the train for perhaps 2 hours of that time.

Seated for another one hour.

The rest of the time we were on our feet.

My feet hurt by the end of the day, but I did not admit it and didn't tell my daughter.

I was waiting for her to start whining and say something like, "mom I am tired" or "mom, hold me"
キット。。。後も少しで文句を言いだす。。。と思ったのに。。。言わなかった。 例えば ”ママ疲れた”とか。。。”ママ抱っこ!”

But it was 6pm and we were getting out of the train...

And she was energetic enough to take many flights of stairs up...and go shopping with me (sashimi for dinner)
まだまだ元気だった。。。階段を登って、その後、スーパで買い物 (夕飯の刺身とのり)

Her energy knows no bounds, it is amazing.

I thought she was tough...but she is tougher than even my expectations


Do you know the book about "Tiger mom" by Amy Chua?
"Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother"の本ってご存知ですか?

Is is a Chinese woman raised in America by very strict Chinese immigrant parents

It was a huge sensation in America

Some people loved the book

While others hated it, were repulsed by it and even sent her death threats
けど。。。好きな人より。。。嫌いな人の方が大方かな? 彼女に”死ね”のメールもしてたらしい!

She herself raised her children with very high expectations and was really enthusiastic (a freak about?!) her children's education
彼女は。。。厳しく自分の子供を育てた。 すごい、すごい、教育ママです。 熱心だけじゃなくて。。。。。。。本当に”教育”ママでした

She said a few things in the book I do not agree with.

But she said some things that I found valid.

One such thing is, she said that Chinese mothers assume strength. (of their children)

Chinese parents assume their children are strong.

And assume that their children and withstand a certain amount of criticism

Not only from Amy Chua's book......

I read somewhere that..."the more you assume your child is smart and able........the more indeed they will be smart"
どっかニュースや誰かの実験で読みました。 自分は”子供は賢い”と思っていると。。。本当に賢い子になるんだ

I wonder how valid that research is

Ever since my daughter was young, I have always assumed she could do things and understand things even though she was young.

I let her use a knife from a very early age (supervised)
2歳から自分で包丁を持たせた (モチロン私はそばで見ている!)

I ask her questions related to science like "why is it hard to put on dry arm floaties?"

These days if you ask her why it's hard to slide down a wet slide, she'll probably give you an answer related to friction
最近。。。彼女に聞いてみたら”なぜ濡れた滑り台は。。。滑りにくい?”。。。答えは。。。たぶん”摩擦" とかを言います

I taught her early on words that are kind of tough for kids: reflection, friction, and gravity.

They are basic principles in science...so it is better to be familiar earlier than later, I figure

I don't expect her to fully grasp the concepts, but have been surprised by what she already understands.
モチロン。。。完全に”わかる”分けない。。。けど。。。 以外に分かっている

I always assume she is smart.

And sometimes she is smarter than what I think

One of the big problems I have...is using a simpler English vocabulary when I am around her

But.........surprisingly, her English lexicon.....is much wider than I had expected...sometimes she surprises me.

So I have to remember to speak even more difficult words in English without hesitation

It is said that children raised by some fathers have a larger lexicon because fathers do not do the "baby talk" thing
聞いたのは。。。パパで育てた子は。。。単語色々知っている。 パパ達は”赤ちゃん言葉”あまり使わないから

It could be true.

It is said that children raised by single fathers are more interested in science and other aspects of education

But...I am sure there are plenty of wonderful single moms who encourage their kids to get into science too

But.......according to some, single mothers are more likely to get their daughters into just fashion, shopping, and

All I know...is that I myself grew up with newspapers, US News, and Popular Science magazines around me.

My uncle always had "Scientific American" "National geographic" "astronomy" and the local paper at his house...I was often poking my nose into those... They were always fascinating and explained why he always knew so much about just about everything.
カナダの叔父さん。。。沢山科学関係雑誌を持ってた。 私よくその雑誌を読んでた。。。面白かった! だからおじさんは。。。何でもに詳しいです!

In 6th grade, my favorite magazine was "popular science"....ummm, yeah, can we say major geek???......most girls around me at that age were into mags like "Seventeen" or something
6年生の時、私の好きな雑誌は”人気科学”だった。 オタクでしょう?! 周りの女の子は。。。皆ファション雑誌を読んでたけど

My father hated fashion magazines and it was not until my last year of high school that I actually started buying some
家のパパは。。。ファション雑誌何て大嫌いだった。 私は。。。高校生の最後の一年から、買った

And...strangely enough...after I started to buy them, it was just like dad said.

I felt uglier, less fashionable, was less satisfied with what I had, started to be conscious about my belly and weight, and just wanted more material goods.

Terrible. So many fashion mags just make us feel bad. Why do we even buy them?
最低です。 ファション雑誌を読むと。。。気が悪くなる。。。 よく買うね、皆!

Now when I see them, I think of it as "art" and not reality
今、ファション雑誌を見る時、”アート”と思っている。 事実じゃなくて、アートです。

That and lots of photoshopping (photo editing) (most photos in American mags are all heavily photoshopped...from the curves of models......to even teeth color)

Which is why......I don't want my own daughter buy fashion magazines until she has finished high school.

Girls have enough insecurities as it is, why exacerbate it with magazines that just prey on their fears?


One thing I see time and time here in Japan......

Is mothers who spoil their children...and do EVERYTHING FOR THEM.

I understand they want to be a good mom and all
いいお母さんになりたい。。。。。。 気持ち分かるけど

But they are in fact doing them a great disservice and hindering their child's development

I observed Lina's class with the parents twice

Each time........quite often.....the parent just finished the darn thing for the child
と毎回見た。 全部子供のためにやっている親

Okay.......and this helps your child how???

Is this your art project or your child's?
誰のアートですか? 親の? 子供の?

We went to a kindergarten two years ago to see what the kindy was like.
1回。。。ある幼稚園の未就園児に行って。。。 その幼稚園の雰囲気などを知りたかった

They told us to make a craft

I just let Lina go wild...

The other parents made their craft exactly like the "sample" one they showed
他の子のは。。。親が作ったそれとも。。。親を全部教えた。 皆のは。。。見本とソックリ

(Lina's looked nothing like the example リナのは。。。見本のと全然違う。。。先生がビックリしたみたい)

I thought "this is not the right kindergarten for my child" "not at all"
私は思ったのは。。。”この幼稚園は。。。全然家に子にむいていない” ”全然!”

I will admit...sometimes I just want to do the whole thing for my daughter...and my husband comes over and says "hey......who's art is it after all?"
私もたまに。。。リナのアートをやってあげたい。。。全部やりたい時ある。。。 と。。。ハニーは。。。それを見て。。。ええええ、大体誰の作品ですか? を言われちゃう。。。。。

If children are never allowed to do things on their own, how will they ever learn and become independent?

Lina relied on me quite heavily

Seeing this, I was worried

Sure...reliance is a sign of trust. That's a good thing.
親に頼ることが出来るのは。。。モチロンいいこと。。。 親を信頼出来るの素晴らしい事と思う

But she's rely on me to do things she could CLEARLY DO herself.
ただ。。。 本当に簡単な物を私に頼んだ

But overreliance...depending on me for things she could clearly do by herself

That was alarming.

And her big thing was whining "I can't do it, I can't do it"

So, I started to say a new quote "mom will never ask you to do something you cannot do...I only tell you to do things I KNOW you can do. in the case you cannot do it, I will always be tehre to help you, but things I KNOW you can do, I will not help you with"
その後、新しい事を考えた。私はリナの”できない”を聞く時、これを言います”ママは無理の事を頼まないから。 リナは絶対出来ることしか頼まない。本当に出来ない時助けるから、安心して”

And another thing I have recently started to say (when she says, mamaaaaa, I cannot dooooo it!!!!!!!")

is, "be smart. If you cannot do it. THINK OF A WAY SO THAT YOU CAN"
出来ないなら、考えて。 頭を使って。。。出来るように頑張って。そのやり方はダメだったら、他の方法をチャレンジしたら?

After she has accomplished something she thought she could not do...

The look on her face is priceless

The look of confidence and "I can do it"

Long ago I forgot a spoon for our yogurt in our lunch.

She said "mom, let's ask for a spoon at the supermarket"

I said "sure we can do that...but say there is no supermarket...then what do we do?"
けど。。。私は。。。彼女に言ったのは”もし。。。近くにスーパーがなければ? そしてどうする?”

"Let's think...can we make a spoon out of something?"

Then I made a spoon out of paper that we had in our lunch.

I want her to think on the spot. Problem-solving early on in life.
その場で考える... 早く自分でを色々解決してほしい

Think creatively and not be boxed in by "boundaries"

Life is all about improv.

If I can teach her to adapt in any situation, solve a problem despite any difficulties.......

She can survive anywhere.

We might not live in Japan in the future...so I want her to be mentally tough.
未来。。。日本に住まないかも知らない。 だから、強くになって欲しいです

Some of my mother friends were surprised by my "rough mother tactics" but I simply told them,
あるママ友驚いた。。。 ”ラフ”だな。。。。と言われた。。。けど私の返事は。。。

"I want to raise a child that can live anywhere in the world, not only insular Japan."


One more thing is praise...

I agree that all children should be praised and praised often

But........I don't like to praise lukewarm efforts.

I mean......if a child is praised for just some so-so work.....why should they even bother trying harder?

When my daughter does a mediocre job, my reaction is just that "oh, I see..."

But when she really tries her best, and does an amazing job, I show just how impressed I am "wow, that is really something!!!!"

She likes to compose music and original songs

Usually it's nonsense and not really catchy...

But once she came up with a really great tune...and even honey really was impressed......and we often sing it at home
けど。。。1回。。。すごい上手に作曲した! パパも驚いたぐらい上手だった。 それから、たまに。。。リナの曲を家で歌う、皆で

It goes like this... (the tune is really catchy...I was surprised)

You don't have a good idea
But I have many good ideas
You don't have a good idea
So you're not as good as me (HA HA!)

The last line I added and help change...and it's said in a joking fashion...to poke fun at each other...... 最後のは。。。酷い冗談です。。。

By not praising everything, I am raising her standards for herself...and being honest.
全てを褒めないから、本人も分かる。。。 上に目指さないとダメ。 正直な称賛は一番。

I think children are a bit shocked in life......because they grow up for the first 5 or so years....with everyone telling them how great they are, cute they are, wonderful they are.......and how wonderful everything is
子供は。。。きっと驚いている。 小学生になる前、何でも”すごい””素晴らしい””素敵””上手”。。。。。。。”可愛い”やること。。。何でも”リッパ”です

Suddenly.....they go to elementary school and reality hits.

They realize...dang, they are not so great after all. They are no better than average.
あああ、結局。。。そこまで上手じゃなかった。 フツです。

Not EVERY piece of art they draw or make is great after all.

And that is, yes, probably pretty darn shocking for kids.

I think it is better to learn early in life that "all people, at some point, fail"
私の意見だけ。。。だけど。。。子供は早く覚えた方がいい。 失敗するのは当然です

The important being...how you recover after failure

I was glad the other day my daughter fell off her bike.
先日。。。娘は自転車から落ちえて。。。 あああ、良かったと思った

You read it, yes, I was glad.
そう。 良かった

Because she fell off her bike at a very good location...not too dangerous but......enough so it gave her a good scare
いい場所で転んだ。 危険じゃない所。。。 けど十分彼女を怖がってた

Dang....after that, she was very careful about riding and now, each time gets off her bike when approaching a similar "ditch"
その後、自転車を載って、十分注意して、乗る。。。 そして危ない所があったら、自転車から降りていきます。

Little failures teach us things, make us more careful in life.
人生の失敗は。。。一番勉強になる。。。 失敗すると、もっと気を付ける

When she runs down a steep hill somewhere...I assess the potential damage...........worst case scenario.

Usually if I cannot imagine she'll break a leg or bone...I'll let her run down the hill

Once, a mom just got finished shouting at her kids "DO NOT RUN DOWN THE HILL"

When Lina told me, "mama, I wanna run down the hill" and I said..."go for it (slightly wet surface)
リナ私に言った”ママ。。。イイ?” そして。。。やらせた(少しだけ濡れた坂道)

I figured, if she fell...she'd become more careful in the future

(she is cautious, so she almost never runs at full speed down a hill...もともと。。。気を付ける子。。。フールスピードで坂道を下がらない。。。。 If a kid hits their head falling back on a slippery surface it is dangerous...so again, use your judgement! 滑りやすい時、頭を打つ可能性あるので、気を付けてね )

She did her usual thing, shouting "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" while running down the hill

It's her favorite thing to do. Shout "weeeeeeeeeeeeee" as she is flying down a big hill.
彼女の大好きな事。。。 坂道を降りながら。。。ウイいいいいい”を叫ぶ

Little things like that are the thrill in life.

Even as an adult, I still do it.

People look at me as if I am nuts

But I love it and don't care about anyone's reaction

We ride our bike down big hills in our town...and shout "weeeeeee" at the top of our lungs until we cannot shout anymore
自転車を載る時。。。大きい坂からすごいスピードで降りるのは。。。最高です。 ウイいいいい。。。を叫びがら。。。。

(not on rainy days and not when autumn leaves are piled up and chances of slipping are high 雨の日しない。。。そして落ち葉多い時もやらない。。。。大変危険ので、さすがその時やらない)

It makes me feel alive and is psychologically so refreshing.
自転車を載って、叫んで。。。ああああ、大変気持ちです。 すごい生きている感じ。

At Potiron no Mori (park near Narita) we went down a big hill and both shouted on the way down

All the Japanese parents were shocked at the sight

Noisy daughter AND mother shouting down the steep path
煩い子供とお母さん。 険路を降りながら、叫んでいる

Some people gave me an irritated look or "you are stupid" look

But I don't care.

My daughter loves that hill...and repeatedly runs down it.

When Lina was young.......she did not sense that mom was a bit off kilter compared to others
リナのもっと小さい頃。。。分からなかったみたい。。 ママが変です

But now she is older and goes to kindergarten...

And she has finally started to notice....

That mom is a bit "weird"

And different compared to other moms.

I told her, "it is because I am an Alien"

Look right here (pointing at my ALIEN CARD...it in fact says ALIEN!) at my ID card - it says ALIEN

I love kindergarten kids because at that age.......they still think different is cool

However...whenever I go to elementary schools, most kids just give me a weirded out look
けど。。。小学生になると。。。 私みたいの人を見ると”変なの”と思ってしまう

But anyway...I don't care

I am not Japanese and will never fit in this country, so why bother trying.
私は。。。日本人じゃない。。。いくら長く日本に住んでても。。。”日本人”にならない。。。 だから、余り無理をしていない

So long as I don't am not a public nuisance or danger to others, it's fine

And basically we follow normal rules and basic etiquette in Japan

Anyway, I have no idea if my way of child-raising is correct.......

But I do know that Lina is really mature for her age

Is very considerate

And has better self-control than even me

So.......so far so good, I guess...heh heh.
だから、今のところ。。。大丈夫。 はは。

Get back to me when she's 18