大根ビール漬け daikon beer pickles | ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ

大根ビール漬け daikon beer pickles

This recipe is one that I adapted from my Tupperware miso making class

Daikon beer pickles 大根ビール漬け
1 kilo of daikon (about 1 stick of daikon)大根1本
125cc beer ビール
250g rock sugar ザラメ砂糖
1/4c salt 塩
1/4c vinegar お酢 (I added more 私は。。。も少し入れた)
1/2 tsp powdered Japanese mustard (karashi) 辛子小さじ半
1 knob of ginger, sliced スライス生姜(2センチ―ぐらい)
few slices of lemon 何枚レーモンスライス

Mix it all up...add daikon...let soak for one or two days, until to taste!

It was really refreshing

And all natural

And no weird coloring

I used organic daikon so it was especially yummy

The only reason why I made this........was because my husband had somehow forgotten to finish the rest of his beer the previous night

The night morning we saw the leftover beer and thought "oh what a waste"
次の日の朝、気づいた。。。 ”あら。。。もったいない”と思って

So I decided to make beer pickles out of it and not put it the precious beer to waste
で大根漬けを作ることになった! ちゃんと残りのビールを使えた! 良かった 良かった