デコロール decorated roll cake | ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ

デコロール decorated roll cake

I checked out some ways to make decorated roll cake

But most of them were soooo complex

Finally I have some up with the easiest way to make it
もっと楽な方法。。。ないのかな。。。と思って。。。 色々試して、考えて。。。試して。。。作って。。。また試して

And...I came up with a way that's not too hard

If you want to make more detailed decoration...(picture) you might wanna use another recipe

But if you want to make stripes, lattice (like mine in the pictures), hearts or polka dots, please try my recipe!

I tried it more than 10 times to make sure the recipe is easy for even beginners

Long ago I told my friend "it is hard to make good roll cake"

She said, "no way, roll cake couldn't be easier to make"

Ugh.....even if it is easy to make, she did not have to say it like that.

And TASTY roll cake IS NOT easy to make

Even lots of professionally made roll cakes...

Are too dry for my tastebuds

Anyway... とにかく

After failing a lot in the past, I learned a lot of things (what NOT to do!)

And in the end.......came up with a recipe that I hope is foolproof for everyone

ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ

ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ

ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ ハニーは日本人のバイリンガルブログ


Easier decorated roll cake
少し簡単なデコロール (27x20.5cmロールケーキ 型)
2個L卵 L-sized eggs
35g ふった小麦粉 sifted cake flour
40g粉砂糖 powdered sugar
塩、一つまみ pinch of salt
1 tbsp (10g) oil 大さじ1サラダ油 
1tbsp milk 大さじ1牛乳 (室温room temp)

Decoration part if made with cocoa ココアデコ部分の材料
1L egg white (split into half) 卵の卵白(半分分けて)(卵の黄身。。。カスタードを作る時使える)
1 tsp (3g) corn starch コーンスタッチ 小さじ1 (3g)
2g cocoa powder ココアパウダー
5g powdered sugar粉糖

Decoration part made with food coloring 食紅でデコの部分

4g corn starchコーンスタッチ
Smidgen of food coloring食紅少し
5g powdered sugar粉糖

1. Weigh egg white. With a hand mixer, beat 1 L egg white until soft peaks form (about 90 seconds)
卵白を量る。 そして、ハンドミキサーで泡立てる。(90秒ぐらい…“つの”出す前)

2. FOR COCOA: Remove half of the whipped egg white, mix with 3g corn starch, 2g cocoa powder (save the other half of the egg white mixture**), 5g powdered sugar
FOR OTHER: Remove half the whipped egg white; mix with 4g corn starch, food coloring, 5g powdered sugar
ココアじゃない場合: 卵の卵白の半分を取り出して、4g薄力粉、少し食紅、5g粉糖を入れて、よく混ぜます。

3. Line baking pan with baking paper

4. Fill pastry bag with mixture. Pipe out polka dot, stripes, plaid, heart design onto the baking paper, as desired ***if you have this leftover, put into a muffin cup and bake…it’s tasty, like American angel food cake!
生地をペストリーバーグに入れて、鋏でちょっと切ってから、ベーキングペーパーにデザインを作る(ゆっくり生地をペストリーバーグから絞る) (ハート、縞々模様、水玉とか)***この生地を残ったら、マフィンカップに入れて、一緒にロールケーキと焼く。。。美味しい、アメリカの皆知っているの“天使のケーキ“みたい

5. Bake for 1.5 to 2 minutes in a 170C oven

6. In the bowl with leftover beaten egg white**, beat 2 L-sized eggs on high speed for 6 minutes...add 20g powdered sugar...beat another 3 minutes...add remaining 20g powdered sugar...on medium speed, beat another 3 minutes (Whip up until you can almost write your name in the batter!名前かけるぐらいまで。。。泡立てる)

7. Fold in 35g flour mixed with salt with a spatula until just mixed (about 10 times). 
35g 小麦粉(塩を混ぜた)を入れて、軽く手で混ぜる。(混ぜすぎないで!10回ぐらいだけ)

8. Add 1tbsp oil, mix in with a spatula

9. Pour the rest of the batter on top...spread it smooth (lightly tap to remove air bubbles)

10. Bake for 8 or so minutes 8分ぐらい170C度オーブンで焼く(オーブンによる)。

11. Remove wax paper... Roll up (the long 27cm side to make a long roll), and let cool wrapped in the wax paper

12. Unroll, put in desired filling (whipped cream, custard, cream and fruits), roll again.