Narita Airport⇒Shanghai International Airport
This time I flew to England using Air China.

♡Conversion from handsome yen ¥ to pound £.

I was told by Keith that it was OK to use a credit card, but I wanted to prepare some cash! 

So I went to Narita Airport early.

There were many banks, but Keiyo Bank had the best rate for converting yen to pounds sterling.


Behind me, the "What are YOU doing in Japan?"started to cover the event behind me.

I immediately took a picture (lol)

♡Boarding Procedures

The staff members were available in Chinese, English, and Japanese.

I was spoken to in Chinese for a moment, but I did not understand what they were saying and made a "?I made a "?" face, but they instantly assumed that I was Japanese (laugh) and responded in Japanese.

I had minimized my luggage and wanted to bring my suitcase on board....

It was not within 5 kilos, but almost 10 kilos, 9.1 kilos... wow...

It's been a long time since I've been to the airport itself 😅.

Since the last time I went to Guam was on a family trip,

13 years ago 😌

My daughter was in 3rd grade and my son was in the kindergarten...

My heart is so full 🥹

Shanghai Airport⇒Gatwick Airport 

Many foreigners are in transit  at Shanghai Airport.

And yet I was completely lost.

 And the next thing I know, I'm asking around to anyone I see!

First a Chinese attendant, 
then a different Chinese attendant,
 then an American,
 then a German.

 Everyone was kind and polite to me in English.

It was a moment when I was glad to be able to speak English.

 And I am also proud of my communicative ability.

I have exchanged contact information with these two Germans and will contact them the next time I visit Germany! 

On the other hand, I promised them that next time they visit Japan, they will come to Tohoku and I will show them around👍
After a 3 hour wait, I was safely on the plane ✈

♡in-flight meal

The flight left at about 1:40am, and this is the first time I forgot what time it was.
Chicken or pork...

I chose chicken.

From the top left, potato salad, black jelly (I don't understand it because it is in Chinese, but it tastes a little medicinal), bread, chicken noodle, and drinks are served separately.

I'll leave the taste to your imagination.

This is the second time.
Breakfast? Lunch?

I've been sleeping and waking repeatedly, so I'm a blur, and I'm not hungry...

Chicken sausage or Chinese potluck...

I chose Chinese without hesitation... wow!

From the top left, yogurt, tangerine, flavored egg, bean-jam bun, and porridge.

After I finished my porridge, a Chinese guy diagonally in front of me put something on his porridge...

This is it!

I thought it was something you put on bread because it was under the bread (lol).

Arrival at the handsome Gatwick International Airport.

It is the second largest airport in the UK after Heathrow.

We went through immigration by machine and picked up our luggage...

Even there I asked around a lot.

And everyone is so kind💜.

I met Keith safely!