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スター2001年1月24日 渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO ・・多分数曲抜けてる

  1. Balls⑱
  2. Something For The Girl With Everything④
  3. More Than a Sex Machine⑱
  4. Scheherazade⑱
  5. Beat the clock⑧
  6. Hospitality On Parade⑤
  7. How to Get Your Ass Kicked⑱
  8. Aeroflot⑱
  9. The Angels⑱
  10. charlie parker⑯
  11. Bullet Train⑱
  12. The Calm Before the Storm⑱
  13. This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us③
  14. The Number One Song In Heaven⑧
  15. Amateur Hour③
  16. When Do I Get To Sing 'My Way'⑯


スター2006年10月20日 渋谷O-EAST



  1. Dick Around⒇
  2. Perfume⒇
  3. The Very Next Fight⒇
  4. (Baby, Baby) Can I Invade Your Country⒇
  5. Rock, Rock, Rock⒇
  6. Metaphor⒇
  7. Waterproof⒇
  8. Here Kitty⒇
  9. There's No Such Thing As Aliens
  10. As I Sit to Play the Organ at the Notre Dame Cathedral⒇


  1. It's A Sparks Show tonight⑱
  2. Achoo④
  3. Something For The Girl With Everything④
  4. Tryouts For The Human Race⑧
  5. The Number One Song In Heven⑧
  6. Pineapple⑤
  7. Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth④
  8. When Do I Get To Sing 'My Way'⑯
  9. This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us③
  10. Amateur Hour③


  1. In The Future⑤
  2. Subeur Homeboy⑲
  3. Change⑭
  4. Dick Around

スター2008年7月 フジロック

  1. Good Morning㉑
  2. Strange Animal㉑
  3. Let the Monkey Drive㉑
  4. I Can't Believe That You Would Fall for All the Crap in This Song㉑
  5. Lighten Up, Morrissey㉑
  6. Photoshop
  7. Something For The Girl With Everything④
  8. Propaganda④
  9. At Home At Work At Play④
  10. Goofing Off
  11. The Number One Song in Heaven⑧
  12. Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth④
  13. Get In The Swing⑤
  14. Dick Around⒇
  15. When Do I Get To Sing 'My Way'⑯
  16. This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us③


  1. Suburban Homeboy⑲
  2. Amateur Hour③



スター2009年4月23日 渋谷O-EAST



1部 Exotic Creature of the Deep

  1. Good Morning㉑
  2. Strange Animal㉑
  3. I Can't Believe That You Would Fall for All the Crap in This Song㉑
  4. Let the Monkey Drive㉑
  5. I've Never Been High㉑
  6. She Got Me Pregnant㉑
  7. Lighten Up, Morrissey㉑
  8. This Is the Renaissance㉑
  9. Director Never Yelled Cut㉑
  10. Photoshop㉑
  11. Likeable㉑

2部 Kimono My House

  1. This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us③
  2. Amateur Hour③
  3. Falling In Love With Myself Again③
  4. Here In Heaven③
  5. Thank God It’s Not Christmas③
  6. Hasta Manana, Monsieur③
  7. Talent Is An Asset③
  8. Complaints③
  9. In My Family③
  10. Equator③
  1. Propaganda④
  2. At Home At Work At Play④
  3. B.C.④
  4. Suburban Homeboy⑲
スター2009年4月24日 渋谷O-EAST
Heavenly Creatures
1部 Exotic Creature of the Deep
  1. Good Morning㉑
  2. Strange Animal㉑
  3. I Can't Believe That You Would Fall for All the Crap in This Song㉑
  4. Let the Monkey Drive㉑
  5. I've Never Been High㉑
  6. She Got Me Pregnant㉑
  7. Lighten Up, Morrissey㉑
  8. This Is the Renaissance㉑
  9. Director Never Yelled Cut㉑
  10. Photoshop㉑
  11. Likeable㉑
2部 No.1 Song in Heaven


  1. Tryouts for the Human Race
  2. Academy Award Performance
  3. La Dolce Vita
  4. Beat the Clock
  5. My Other Voice
  6. Number One Song in Heaven
  1.  Dick Around⒇
  2. Mickey Mouse⑪
  3. When Do I Get To Sing 'My Way'⑯
  4. This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us③
スター2013年1月8日 渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO
  1. Metaphor⒇
  2. At Home At Work At Play④
  3. Sherlock  Homes⑪
  4. Good Morning㉑
  5. Under The Table With Her⑤
  6. My Baby's Taking Me Home⑲
  7. Singing In The Shower㉒
  8. The Wedding Of Jacqueline Kennedy ㉒
  9. Excrpts From The Seduction Ob Ingmar Bergman㉒
  10. Dick Around⒇
  11. Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth④
  12. This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us③
  13. The Rhythm Thief⑲
  14. Suburban Homeboy⑲
  15. When Do I Get To Sing 'My Way'⑯


  1. The Number One Song In Heaven⑧
  2. Beat The Clock⑧
  3. Two Hands, One Mouth㉒
スター2015年8月15日 SUMMER SONIC 2015 MIDNIGHT SONIC幕張メッセ
スター2017年10月24日・25日 東京 キネマ倶楽部
Hostess Club Presents
  1. What the Hell Is It This Time?㉔
  2. Propaganda④
  3. At Home, At Work, At Play④
  4. Good Morning㉑
  5. When Do I Get to Sing "My Way"⑯
  6. Probably Nothing㉔
  7. Missionary Position㉔
  8. Hippopotamus㉔
  9. Nicotina⑪
  10. Scandinavian Design㉔
  11. Dick Around⒇
  12. Edith Piaf㉔
  13. Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth④
  14. I Wish You Were Fun㉔
  15. My Baby's Taking Me Home⑲
  16. The Number One Song in Heaven⑧
  17. This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us③
  18. Life with the Macbeths㉔


  1. Hospitality on Parade⑤
  2. Johnny Delusional ㉓
  3. Amateur Hour③
スター2018年8月20日 渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO
  1. What the Hell Is It This Time?㉔
  2. Hasta Mañana, Monsieur③
  3. Unaware㉔
  4. At Home, At Work, At Play④
  5. Tryouts For The Human Race⑧
  6. Probably Nothing㉔
  7. Missionary Position㉔
  8. Hippopotamus㉔
  9. B.C.④
  10. The Rhythm Thief⑲
  11. Edith Piaf ㉔
  12. Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth④
  13. When Do I Get to Sing "My Way"⑯
  14. The Number One Song in Heaven⑧
  15. This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us③
  16. My Baby's Taking Me Home⑲


  1. Change⑭
  2. Amateur Hour③
スター2022年8月22日 渋谷 WWWX 
  1. So May We Start
  2. Angst in My Pants⑪
  3. Tips for Teens⑩
  4. Under the Table With Her⑤
  5. I Predict⑪
  6. I Married Myself⑲
  7. Wonder Girl①
  8. Stravinskys Only Hit㉕
  9. Shopping Mall of Love⑭
  10. Johnny Delusional ㉓
  11. We Love Each Other So Much
  12. Lawnmower㉕
  13. Music That You Can Dance To⑭
  14. The Rhythm Thief⑲
  15. Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth④
  16. When Do I Get to Sing "My Way"⑯
  17. My Baby's Taking Me Home⑲
  18. The Number One Song in Heaven⑧
  19. This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us③


  1. Suburban Homeboy⑲
  2. All That㉕
スター2023年7月22日 渋谷 duo MUSIC EXCHANGE・7月25日LINE CUBE SHIBUYA   
  1. So May We Start
  2. The Girl Is Crying in Her Latte㉖
  3. Angst in My Pants⑪
  4. Beaver O'Lindy②
  5. When I'm with You⑨
  6. Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is㉖
  7. It Doesn’t Have to Be That Way㉖
  8. Balls⑱
  9. Shopping Mall of Love⑭
  10. The Toughest Girl in Town⑮
  11. Escalator㉖
  12. We Go Dancing㉖
  13. Bon Voyage④
  14. Music That You Can Dance To⑭
  15. When Do I Get to Sing "My Way"⑯
  16. The Number One Song in Heaven⑧
  17. This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us③
  18.  Gee, That Was Fun㉖


  1. My Baby's Taking Me Home⑲
  2. All That㉕

①ハーフネルソン 1971 

②ウーファー・イン・トゥイーターズ・クロージング 1972

③キモノ・マイ・ハウス 1974

④恋の自己顕示(Propaganda) 1974

⑤スパーク・ショー 1975

⑥ビッグ・ビート 1976

イントロデューシング 1977

⑧No.1イン・ヘブン 1979

⑨ターミナル・ジャイブ 1980

⑩弱い者いじめ(Whomp That Sucker) 1981

⑪パンツの中の用心棒(Angst in My Pants) 1982

⑫イン・アウター・スペース 1983

⑬Pulling Rabbits Out of a Hat 1984

⑭Music That You Can Dance To 1986

⑮インテリア・デザイン 1988

⑯官能の饗宴(Gratuitous Sax & Senseless Violins) 1994

⑰プレイジャリズム〜盗作の世界 1997

⑱ボールズ 2000

⑲Lil' Beethoven 2002

⒇ハロー・ヤング・ラヴァーズ 2006

㉑エキゾチック・クリーチャーズ・オブ・ザ・ディープ 2008

㉒トゥー・ハンズ・ワン・マウス・ライブ・イン・ヨーロッパ 2013

㉓F.F.S 2015

㉔ヒポポタマス 2017

A Steady Drip Drip Drip 2020

The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte  2023


アネット 2021

LES RITA MITSOUKO/MARC&ROBERT 1988・・Singing in the Shower