以前に『台湾適用国語読本初歩 上巻』の記事を書いたが,その第一課をPOJで訳した。


注1 カタカナはひらがなにした。

注2 旧仮名遣いは新仮名遣いにした。


I translated the first lesson in POJ, which an article about "台湾適用国語読本初歩 上巻:Applied to Taiwan Japanese Lnguage Reader for beginners  First Volume" I wrote before.

It turned into something literal 😅


第一 もも

The first lesson Peaches

Te it Thô-á



Today, let's talk about the peaches. Peaches are usually planted around the houses both in Japan and Taiwan.

Kiăⁿ-ji̍t(Kin-á-ji̍t) góa beh kā lín tāi-ke(ta̍k-ke) kóng thô-á ê sū(tāi-chì). Thô-á, tī pún-kok iā tī Tâi-oân, tāi-khài sī chai tī chhù-lí ê sì-ûi.



In our home country, the peach blossoms bloom around March, but in Taiwan, they bloom at the beginning of January.

Sui-bóng tī pún-kok, thô-hoe sī saⁿ goe̍h khui, tī Tâi-oân, kàu chiaⁿ-goe̍h-chhe tō khui hit hō(lúi) hoe.



The peach blossoms are the same light pink color both in Japan and Taiwan, and are truly beautiful.

Thô-hoe, tī pún-kok iā tī Tâi-oân, sī kāng-chi̍t-iūⁿ ê thô-âng-sek, chin súi.



In Taiwan, you can eat the peaches at the beginning of May, but in your home country you can't eat them until July.

Sui-bóng tī Tâi-oân, thô-á, kàu gō͘ goe̍h-chhe, tō ōe chia̍h--ê, tī pún-kok, bōe kàu chhit goe̍h put-lêng(bōe) chia̍h--ê.



When the peaches are ready to eat, it is said to be ripend.

Thô-á, kàu-hun ōe chia̍h-tit--ê, kiò-chò sêng-se̍k.



When the peaches are ripend, they turn red. If they are not yet red, they are not ripend and should not be eaten. If you eat unripend, you will get a stomach ache.

Thô-á, sêng-se̍k sî-hāu(sî-chūn), sek ōe âng. Iáu-bōe âng--ê, in-ūi bōe se̍k, put-khó(m̄-thang) chia̍h, nā-sī chia̍h bōe se̍k--ê, pak-tó͘ ōe thiàⁿ.



When you eat a peach, there is something hard inside it. What is that?

Chia̍h thô-á ê sî-hāu(sî-chūn), hit ê tiong-ng-lí ū kian-tēng(tēng) ê mi̍h. Hit ê sím-mi̍h.



It is a shell, and there is a seed in the shell.

Hit ê sī hu̍t, chit hu̍t ê tiong-ng ū jîn.



Why is it in the hard shell? Let me tell you the reason.

Ūi-sím-mi̍h jîn ū tēng-khak lāi. Góa beh kóng hit ê in-iû(lí-iû).



What do you do with the shells after eating peaches?

Lín tāi-ke(ta̍k-ke), chia̍h thô-á liáu-āu, hu̍t, àn-chóaⁿ chò.



They are hard and you can't eat them, so throw them on the ground. What happens to the shells left on the ground? The shells will definitely crack and the buds will appear.

In-ūi kian-tēng(khah tēng) put-lêng(bōe) chia̍h--ê, só͘-í beh hìⁿ--lo̍h thô͘-kha. Hìⁿ--lo̍h thô͘-kha ê hu̍t āu-lâi chóaⁿ-iūⁿ(àn-chóaⁿ). Tek-khak khak li̍h--khui ōe chhut gê.



The buds gradually grow, and later flowers and fruits appear.

Hit ê gê chiām-chiām ōe tōa, āu-lâu ōe khui-hoe kiat-chí.



The seeds finally sprouted, because they were inside the hard shell, and they were thrown into the ground without eaten by you. What if the shell was soft?

Chit sū(Che) sī in-ūi jîn-á ū tī kian(tēng) khak tiong-ng, só͘-í hō͘ lâng m̄ chia̍h-tit, hìⁿ--lo̍h thô͘-kha, siūⁿ sī hit ê hìⁿ--lo̍h ê, kàu lō͘-bóe, hoa̍t-gê liáu--ê. Tān-sī, hu̍t, nā nńg liáu, beh àn-chóaⁿ.



Now you probably understand why seeds are inside the hard shell.

Án-ne, lín tāi-ke(ta̍k-ke), tāi-khài ōe-hiáu-tit liáu. In-hô(ūi-sím-mi̍h), jîn ū tī kian(tēng) khak ê tiong-ng.