*A Discussion with the Pentagon's ex-UFO Hunter, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick






 例えば、カークパトリックが私に「GIMBAL ギンバル」の映像に見られる強く異常な赤外線シグネチャーは、間違いなく最もよく知られたUAP映像であるが、太陽からの「グレア」反射によるものである可能性が高い、と言ったのはこれが2度目である。

”ギンバル "は夜間に撮影された。同様に、カークパトリックは3月、有名な 「GoFast ゴーファースト 」ビデオに関するNASAの深い欠陥分析を支持し、「GoFast 」はNASAのパネルで実際に説明された。


更に、カークパトリックは、最も著名なUAP懐疑論者であるミック・ウェストでさえ、「ナンセンス 」で 「明らかに間違っている 」と評するような主張(例えば、「ギンバル 」の異常な 「階段状 」回転は画像圧縮によるものであるなど)を行った。

世界的に最も有名なUAP映像(それが彼の事務所の設立に少なからずつながった)に関して、米国政府のUAP分析オフィス AAROの元局長がこれほど無知であったとは、ただただ驚くばかりである。


カークパトリック博士は、AAROが 「非人間的 」な 飛行船を回収し、リバースエンジニアリングを試みる未報告/違法なUAP 「レガシープログラム 」に関する法案の根底にある疑惑を断固として否定した後、なぜ上院で最も権力を持つチャック・シューマー議員(民主党)がUAP情報公開公開提案したのかについて、少なくとも私が満足できる程度には言及してくれた。







対話のトピックス: シューマー・ラウンズUAP開示法(UAPDA) -AAROは2023年にUAPDAを 「潰す 」ことに成功したか?-

Dr. KirkpatrickがAAROで見た最も不可解なUAP映像 -2015年の 「Gimbal」/「GoFast 」ビデオ(下記リンク参照) -東海岸のUAP事件 - 「Metallic orbs」 -2004年の 「FLIR1」/「Tic Tac 」ビデオ -極めて異常な事件(「Gimbal」、「GoFast」、「FLIR1」)に関する軍の目撃証言を検証可能な生データが裏付けている -Gimbal分析: -。 ギンバル」UAP:AI 2023年(拡張)




 2024/07/20On 17 July 2024, 

I spoke with former All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick. Discussion topics are listed below. While I am grateful for his time, I was taken aback by how little Kirkpatrick knew about the three most recognizable UAP videos in the public domain. For example, this is the second time that Kirkpatrick told me that the strong, highly anomalous infrared signature in the “Gimbal” video - arguably the most recognizable UAP footage of all time - is likely due to a “glare” reflection from the sun. “Gimbal” was recorded at night. Similarly, Kirkpatrick endorsed a deeply flawed NASA analysis of the well-known “GoFast” video in March, stating, “‘GoFast’ was actually explained at the NASA panel. They did a really nice job of pulling that apart.” But after I highlighted the study’s glaring errors to Kirkpatrick, he told me, “I haven't looked at NASA's analysis.” Moreover, Kirkpatrick made assertions (e.g., that the anomalous “stepped” rotation in “Gimbal” is due to image compression) that even Mick West, the most prominent UAP skeptic, characterized as “nonsense” and “obviously wrong.” For the former director of the U.S. government’s UAP analysis office to be so ill-informed about the most recognizable UAP footage in the world (which led, in no small part, to the creation of his office) is, quite simply, stunning. This, of course, is yet further evidence that the three Navy UAP videos are indeed truly anomalous, as our repeatable and verifiable analyses demonstrate. Nor did Dr. Kirkpatrick address, at least to my satisfaction, why the most powerful member of the Senate, Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), reintroduced the UAP Disclosure Act after AARO categorically denied the legislation’s underlying allegations of unreported/illegal UAP “legacy programs” that retrieve and attempt to reverse-engineer craft of “non-human” origin. (The UAPDA, it should be noted, is arguably the most extraordinary legislation in U.S. history.) In other words, what, despite AARO's vehement denials, compelled the Senate Majority Leader to double down on a requirement that the U.S. government seize recovered UAP and “biological evidence of non-human intelligence” allegedly held by private entities? In a brief post-discussion email exchange, I attempted to clarify a number of items, most notably why AARO grossly misrepresented the first truly scientific study of UAP. The study, conducted by Battelle in the early 1950s (as “Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14”), found that 33% of the highest-quality UAP reports with sufficient data to evaluate were “Unknown.” In Vol. 1 of its Historical Records Review, AARO astoundingly - and falsely - claimed that Battelle’s scientific analysis found that “all cases that had enough data were resolved and readily explainable.” I have not received a response. Discussion Topics: -The Schumer-Rounds UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA) -Did AARO successfully “kill” the UAPDA in 2023? -David Grusch -The most perplexing UAP footage Dr. Kirkpatrick saw while at AARO -2015 “Gimbal”/“GoFast” videos (see links below) -East Coast UAP incidents -“Metallic orbs” -2004 “FLIR1”/“Tic Tac” video -Verifiable, raw data confirms military eyewitness accounts of highly anomalous incidents (“Gimbal,” “GoFast,” and “FLIR1”) Gimbal Analysis:    • "Gimbal" UAP: AIAA 2023 (Extended)